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RE: Unzip and release the Beast

in Splinterlands2 years ago

I guess new players don't use the search function to add anything truly new or unique to the game's "written, lived experience"

I imagine writing about your daily tennis game at the local courts each and every day wouldn't go down in the histories of tennis as being monumental and worthy of praise. It is more than just clout, but I suppose about supplying evergreen content that gets people coming back to that same article, even if it is isn't in a "payout" window anymore.

My most successful post in terms of views is when I wrote a long, long tutorial on using some analytical software on how to figure out what was missing in your collection... and then Splintercards built a tool :D


There's a tool for that?

Evergreen content is where it is at longterm, but most people don't look past the 7 day window. I think in the future, the DIY stuff will do better here, but I also think there will be more ways to keep the window open.

People don't read accounts of a tennis game too often, but what they do like to consume is the drama on and off the court. People like to read about and from people - especially celebrities. Splinterlands has a few.

There's a tool for that?

All credits for that one go to tehox.

My tool did all editions, but it was horrifically manual and would need updates for the new Chaos Legion cards. I stopped developing it when tehox released their version as per the above link.

like to consume is the drama

Must be why I enjoy Formula 1 so much lately. :D

I don't watch the races, but there has been a mass of drama off the track :)

This is why I read the comments! That's an awesome tool!

Cheers mate!

Comments are the best parts of HIVE. You meet so many interesting people. Hello, stranger. :)

Hello to you too ;)

I feel like you and @holoz0r should now go on a date :D

Have to get through the wife first...