Sup Y'all,
I joined Splinterlands yesterday, actually it was the first time I heard about it and about hive and DEC and SPS and all that. It was quite a lot to take in but here I am. I managed to setup everything accounts, wallets, I even managed to explore a bit of hive and bro.... I love the whole thing. I think it's a great concept and I am happy to be part of it.
Now, yesterday, as my first day in splinterlands I struggle a lot doing the daily quest but today I managed to complete it in less than 15 minutes. Well not because I am amazing or I mastered the game already or I throw money in .... but I was LUCKY af.
Out of the 5 fights 4 surrendered. So yeah ... no real strategy behind .. just luck.
Don't think this is of any interest to any of yous but I posted a video with the whole thing on ... not to show off but more to check that platform as well.
Well this is it I guess, I wish you all best of luck, a great day and thanks for spending your time reading this.