Hello splinterlands folks
Welcome to another post of Splinterlands weekly BATTLE MAGE SECRETS CHALLANGE!
This week I'm sharing a unique battle with all of you, although my battle wasn't a winning one but you will like it because it was different, which I have discovered from a small collection of cards, btw, I didn't have enough cards or summoners to use different types of line-up otherwise I could have brought something like that but let's explore the details of what I have to share today with you guys!
This week's battle mage secrets focus is RULESET: Up to Eleven
Up to Eleven : All monsters have the Amplify ability, Use Thorns, Return Fire, and Magic Reflect to ensure your opponent suffers, meaning when the rule is Up and Eleven and you use a monster with Thorns, Return Fire, and Magic Reflect ability those will damage the opponent units based on their attacks
The ruleset of my battle -
Equal Opportunity - All units gain the Opportunity ability which allows them to attack the unit with the lowest health on the enemy team
Up to Eleven - All units have the Amplify ability
Lost Magic - Magic units may not be used in battle
My team
- Element - Dragon + Quix the Devious + Water
- Team - Tortisian Fighter, Vruz, Diemonshark, Frost Lion, Tower Griffin, Naga Assassin
Click here to watch battle
About my team
well, after playing a long time Finally, I got the rule set I needed to write this post because I was super unlucky with my last Up and Eleven ruleset, after getting that I have tried harder to get one Up and Eleven rule but I run out of energy in my main account which is hossainbd and then I started playing my alt to get this battle with Up and Eleven ruleset which is on steemfinix.
you can see below I played four battles to get the ruleset I needed but end up getting nothing except 3 wins out of four battle
let's talk about these cards, why I used them in the battle
Well, as I said in the previous post, I rarely use Tortisian Fighter in big mana battles because of his speed and lower life, but when I get low mana battle he is one of my favorite monster and he gets the highest priority when I get the Weak Magic/Lost Magic rule-set but in this battle, I used him as an Armore Repair and the key monster of this battle, because it has shield ability +4 life and Armor that will lead me 2-3 rounds easily and there was a martyr to increase his +1 life, well only using this slow tortisian wasn't enough to survive on this battle, I had to make sure that this guy should fight until the last round of the battle and that happened as I planned to fatique rounds.
There wasn't any other reason than Martyr to use Vruz, that is why I used him in the second position to boost my Tortisian Fighter and Diemonshark, but luckily his speed missed a couple of the attacks which helped the team to survive a bit in the field, although it has removed the armor of Almo Cambio many times with his +2 attacks and guaranteed damage.
Diemonshark was one of the attacker of this battle and my focus was on it all the time, that's why I wanted to boost its attacks with vruz martyrs so it can be more aggressive in the battle, If you watch the battle you will see in the fatigue rounds it has done a great job, damage +8 life from Almo which make it possible to draw the match, wich was enough for me as I didn't have enough cards or summoners to use in this ruleset otherwise I could have the team with different summoners as opponents brought.
Frost Lion is the mini giant from a jungle where live all the small monsters with different types of power, but I always use him as my weapon because of his shield and void armor I mean especially when I get opportunity ruleset, its alwyas called the enemies monsters to come and fight me and he defense like an real giant, and in the meantime my other monsters have got the opportunity to damage the opponents units, that was my plans in this battle and it worked like that.
Tower Griffin is one of the most usage monster in the game, I still can remember those days when I was struggling to maxed him, because it was difficult to play without armor when you are with Fire, and it is a neutral card so it can be used with all the elements so it has became the most needed card at that time, but today I still have the same problem as before but this time in my alt, although If I had the maxed version of griffin it would have done the same as level 5 does, though I used him only for the armor.
Naga Assassin is the best, her speed and backfire can damage your entire units If you are with a weak team, although my plan was to use her backfire ability properly to damage enemy units but as the opponent came up with Lily Shieldpaw and Almo combo as a defending team so she dies after 2-3 attacks because of Up and Eleven and almo's return fire but her speed helped that Vruz to missed some of the attack which was a plus point to make it draw.
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Thanks for sharing! - @lenonmc21
Good post, although you have to improve on the formatting, justify the text and center the images, the content is everything, but the visual presentation in the case of splinterlands is too.
will keep it in mind, thanks for the advice though