today I want to give you a run down of my monthly returns for a 250$ investment.
250$ bought me 15k collection power (+ cards to actually help me win), which lets me play in silver 3.
Silver 3 rewards
2 Loot chests / day = 60 / month
12 Loot chests / season = 24 month
= 84 / month
At the time of writing a loot chest is valued at 0.41$
84 x 0.41$ = 34.44$
15k power also gives me about 2 SPS / day via the airdrop.
2 x 30 = 60 / month
At the time of writing 1SPS is worth 0.36$
60 x 0.36$ = 21.6$
Total = 34.44$ + 21.6$ = **56.04$
That’s a monthly return of 22.4%
And an annual return of 268.8%
I did not take into calculation the DEC I earn from every win, which just as the daily rewards, will increase my Airdrop points, thus further increasing my returns.
That being said this obviously is a very risky investment, because of the high volatility of both DEC and SPS.
If you believe in the future growth of Splinterlands like I do though, these assets (DEC, SPS and Cards (both from loot chests and the ones I bought with the 250$)) will potentially appreciate in value, giving you even greater returns on your initial investment.
It’s also to be said, that you will have to reach Silver 3 every season and maintain the rank throughout the entire season in order to get the 2 loot chests / day.
This will definitly take some time and effort and might not even be achievable a 100% of the time, therefore decreasing your returns slightly.
In times where this might be too time consuming, you could also just rent out the cards for approximately 0.50$ / day which would net you a completely passive income of 15$ / month + 21.6$ from SPS airdrops = 36.6$ / month.
In conclusion this is still a video game, which I enjoy playing very much and the returns are simply mind blowing to me.
**To sum it up:
250$ initial investment earns me 56.04$ each month actively or 36.6$ passively.**
Hope this was helpful and you’re all having a great day.
this post is awful, could you use photos the next time :D