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RE: Platypus-Dundee's Hints & Tips post #2

in Splinterlands3 years ago

Hey, I'm quit new to the game and just found out about this site. Amazing content, thanks so much.
Quick question: I created my Splinterlands account via email and my peakmonsters account with a hive account. They don't seem to be connected, because I don't have any cards, dec or credits in my peakmonsters account.
Is there a way to connect them or transfer cards over so i can list them for sale/rent?


Hey mate. So hive is a bit funky with the way things are set up but ill try to point you in the right direction.

  1. Your splinterlands username is your hive account name(wallet).

  2. You need to request your hive keys from the splinterlands game. This can be done via the ingame drop down menu where the settings are. These will be emailed to you, there will be 4 keys. Dont lose them! Write them down!

  3. The 4 keys are

  • Master / Owner (This allows you to reset all keys / passwords - never share this one)

  • Active (This allows for transactions, required for buying/renting cards)

-Posting (This allows for posting / commenting and is also the lowest key required to play the game)

-Memo (this is used to send or look at encrypted msg)

  1. Install the HIVE keychain ext for your desktop browser

Once you have set this up, you will now be able to access everything on the hive blockchain as splinterlands/peakd etc are basically front ends running on the blockchain using the same data.

Okay, I'm a little confused haha.
The splinterlands account I created is also my hive account and I should be able to log into hive with it?
Because that would mean i created two different hive accounts. One through splinterlands and another one (this one) via hive directly?

Thanks for getting back to me!

yeah sounds like it, but you can have multiple accounts on the hive keychain to make it easy but yeah you will have to use your splinterlands user name to log into peakmonsters and such for rentals etc