Hello and good morning! I hope you all are doing great.
So I finally finished my first ever modern gold tournament and to be honest, I did quit well.
I just moved up into gold 1 with no rentals, just by owning my cards. So I thougt, why not try out a tournament?
Tournament and some details.
- Scarred Hand Gold Beginner Cup
"Hoping to entice battle mages and spectators to his chain of Praetorian combat arenas, Arena Master Jared Scarr's latest venture is a series of tournaments in wich the participants can use only the most recent card set. Price of admission is exorbitant, but there´s never an empty seat in the house."
Enter fee 3 SPS
Staked SPS 1,429+ (2,641)
Power 19,190+ (73,475)
Gold League
All modern cards playable. (Chaos Legion Only)
My final score was 13W - 9L - 0D - 39PTS - 606TB - 18SPS
This tournament gave me tons of experience, just by watching how the big dogs play and what cards most players use.
And it even rewarded me with 18SPS (-3SPS entery fee).
- Have you participated in any splinterlands tournament?
- Pleas leave a comment with feedback so I can improve my blog posts. (Yes I'm kinda new to blogging).
Here is a link to my card collection: