So for what i can tell the SPS DAO will work on top of the SplinterLands game, kinda like a frequent traveler points club does regarding an airline. In no way does it control or benefit from the sale of DEC ( splinterlands main source of revenue ), nor does the DAO have any control whatsoever on the SplinterLands game. Still in no way am I criticizing the general idea of the thing, I actually belive it to be a great idea, and completly understand that the developers want to keep the company "private".
I just have one important question. Does any one know how the intelectual property for this kind of game works? Imagine SplinterLands (the company) goes bust, will the DAO be able to legally implement a new UI and mint cards?
Question of questions
The last page of the whitepaper is all about stating that in no way SPS gives any right to the company (that I belive is US based). They would always have to say that, because if not they would probably be committing security fraud. Just pipe dreaming of a distant future and what really means to own a game nft. As a last case scenario I imagine you could always make a contract that receives splinterlands nft´s burns them while creates a clone, running on a diferent chain where the DAO would have the power to mint new cards.
Kinda like a splintering 😁 tatxannn