I'm Selling My Extra Epic Cards Now
If you are following and reading my posts, chances are you knew I got some of my Epic Reward Cards maxed out right now. And if you are a stalker you'll know I got Night Reaper and Shock Trooper maxed out specifically. That got me to thinking, what will I do with my extra cards? Will I burn them to get more GLINTs and buy more draws and chests? Or will I release them and rent them out or sell them for some profits? Well, I'll do the later.

How To Sell Soulbound Cards
Unbind Cards First

Soulbound cards are non-transferable NFT cards that are only obtainable through card draws and loot chests by spending GLINTs. These cards has a chain at the right bottom part indicating they are binded/bounded. To make these cards transferrable, you need to 'Unbind' or release them first. Releasing a card requires DEC depending on their edition. As of this writing, only Rebellion Cards can be unbinded or released for 20x their collection power. For example, Night Reaper (above) has a collection power of 100. This can be released for 20,000 DEC (20 X 100 CP).

Note: When Chaos Legion goes to Wild, the unbound process of Rebellion cards will follow the same unbounding process. 10x at first day up to 15x to the 179th day. After that they can no longer be released for DEC, only for GLINTs.
List For Sale or Rent

Once unbound, you can now sell, transfer, delegate, or use the cards on land. As for wagons or conflicts, only Core Rebellion cards can be used.

Reasons For Releasing Cards
Card Circulation
Splinterlands market is player-driven. Unbound cards are readily available in the market for sale or rent. They can also be delegated or used on land. The more cards released, the more there are in market circulation. This gives other players an option to buy some cards to max out their decks.
Income For Players
With the unbinding process being implement in the system, this gives opportunity for players to get some bucks for their hard work. Players can sell these cards for DEC and earn some bucks. Renting out these cards is also an option for some continuous passive income. Besides, Rebellion will be the main set in the next Modern format iteration. New players will come look for these cards.
New Players
Speaking of new players, this will entice new ones coming to the game. One problem new players face is being left out. This wont be a problem. Even if new soulbound reward cards are made and the old Rebellion cards are no longer obtainable in the GLINT shop, new players can still buy or rent them in the market. This is an amazing dynamic for the market as powerful Rebellion reward cards are still available for everyone as it is now a transferable NFT.

So here we are with some cards sold in the market, I am just waiting for some people to buy it. I am hopeful for the future of Splinterlands as investors and players alike are all benefitting from the system. Kudos to the team for making the necessary changes and continuing to improve the game for new player experience (both for new players to experience or new experiences for existing players)
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Sources: Splintercards, Splinterlands