Learn from your losses!

in Splinterlands3 years ago (edited)

Splinterlands Loss.PNG

I hate losing. Who doesn't. But what happens when you lose?
Do you:
A. Brush it aside and go on to the next match
B. Throw your drink at the screen, swear never to play this game again and install crossy road (Again)
C. Replay the game and see where you went wrong

Many people do many things when they lose. But there are a few that will learn from it.
I learned this the hard way. I was a mixture of A and B (except the whole crossy road thing). I once lost 16 games in a row. 16. That's a fair bit of pride to swallow. It was as if my opponent knew what i was planning even before i did.

I kept going. And going. And going. Surely i have to win soon. The law of averages dictate that i should win at least one right? Right? Well yeah. Eventually. But i reckon i got lucky, cause i had one win and then back to losing.

Now i don't consider myself a master of strategy. But i also don't consider myself a complete fool either. Trouble is, i kept losing. The reason however, was not my inability to master my craft. It was my inability to learn from my losses.

Here is a very simple example of what i mean. I'm sure you've encountered this yourself.

The hand is chosen, the cards are flipped and both you and your opponent have exactly the same cards. What's the odds? They are exactly the same except for one small thing. Your opponent has one of his cards in a different position to yours.
The game starts. You hit button to go straight to the results as you're positive it's a draw, only to find out you lost. WTF? How?
Some of you may go back and replay the game to check the program wasn't lying. Some of you will just curse and go on to the next game. A very few of you will go back. Whatch the game and see where you went wrong.
It wasn't chance. It wasn't levels. It was position. That one card that they had in a different position made all the differce. Why? After studying the hand a few times, you come to see the reason why.
You learned from your loss. Next time you won't make that same mistake.

Now i know a lot of you are thinking that each hand is different. Going up against different splinters will have differet results. You're right. But once you know where you went wrong on that hand, you will discover new ways to play that same old hand that lost you game after game. This time you may only lose 1 or 2 instead of 6 or 7. Or in my case 16 in a row.

All i'm saying, is this. Don't rush off after a loss. Study your opponents hand and see if there was a way you could have won that game by having your cards in a different position.

One more thing. If you play a hand and you find that you just got beat hands down and it was because of a specific card, then go and get that card and try it in your hand. If you can't afford to buy it, then rent it for a day and try it out. If it's awesome, then save up and buy it. I'm not talking Llama and Kron. Only the rare few can afford that kind of luxury, haha. But i battled and lost many hands and it was due to one specific card. When i went to the market expecting it to be extremely costly, i found it wasn't. It was actually quite cheap. I couldn't believe it. Needless to say i bought it. I use it. And i a win. Sometimes. More now than before. :-)

Anyway. I hope you get something out of this.

Keep Learning Legends
See you on the battlefield.

Jack Out!


Nice points.
I'm team A-- Brush it aside and go on to the next match.

I might as well try to watch and analyze game replays too.