They are terrifying. They are the bane of all new players and a lot of older players too. But are they really that unbeatable?
I thought so. Until recently.
In one of my earlier posts i talked about the advantage and necessity of seeing what the other player has played previously. If you know this you have a better chance of countering what you think they will play.
Now, they won't always play the same hand, but there are a few things that you CAN be certain of.
- If they have Mylor, they will play him
- If they have Scarred Llama and Kron, they most certainly will play them as many times as they can. And why not, they are an awesome combination.
The majority of players with this combo will always play Kron in the last position. This is so he can be maximised when he reaches the front with Llama's Last Stand ability. Couple this with Krons Healing and it's pretty much game over at that point.
The key ladies and germs, is to not let him get there.
Your aim, if you see that the other player has this combination, is to take out Kron before he can get to be the last man standing.
You don't need a super deck. You don't need an awesome summoner. You just need to fill your deck with Snipe and Sneak.
If you view the match below, you will see what can be achieved with only level 1 cards.
Enjoy it. Bask in it. Use it.
Happy Splintering Campers.
Jack Out!
The Battle to beat Kron - Click this link to view the carnage
It is not impossible because I have beaten him many times and it depends on the cards you use and the level: D