It's such an awesome game. But WOW! So many cards.
For those that are uninitiated into the world of deck building games, the sheer amount of cards and splinters is one hell of a daunting sight when you start.
I dabbled in Magic the gathering. I wanted to be awesome at Hearthstone. I really, really wanted to be that guy that smashed everyone with the ultimate combo.
Unfortunately, that guy wasn't me.
When i found Splinterlands though, it seemed like the perfect game for me. I didn't really have to build the perfect deck of 40 cards and hope like hell the right came out when i wanted it to.
I didn't have to memorise all the counters, spells and combos that would decimate my opponent. All i had to do in Splinterlands, was to choose a summoner and up to 6 cards based on the mana allowance.
This is going to be a piece of cake.
(Insert here that neck bearded fat guy laughing stupidly with a mouth of potato chips).
Yep. I was wrong. It's not easy. It's bloody hard.
Knowing which card to place where depending on rulesets, what the oposition likes to play and what each of my cards is best used for, was not a piece of cake. It was a maze of strategy and Knowledge (but with a little luck as well).
So this brings me to my reason for writing thise series.
- 6 Splinters.
- Dozens and Dozens of cards in each splinter.
- Too many abilities to remember
- and a myriad of combinations and positions.
It's daunting.
We all need help when we start. This series of posts is for the new players. The players in early bronze league with little to no cards bought or rented.
This series will focus on a single card in each splinter.
Everyone has their favourites. Everyone will have a different opinion and everyone will have that perfect strategy. That's awesome. If it works for you, then don't change it.
But i know when i started, it would have been nice to have someone tell me about a single card that could sway the odds in my favour just that little bit.
The cards i will talk about here too, will either be free cards from chests and rewards or very, very inexpensive cards to buy or even rent to try out first.
We are all looking for that pot of gold game, that all we have to do is fork out a couple of bucks and next thing you know it's Bitcoin 10 years ago and we are sitting on a fortune.
That's not going to happen. So if you are here for that, then you should probably look elswhere.
This game is about the grind. The strategy. The satisfaction of knowing that that card you bought just won you 6 hands in a row and you can now afford another card or level up this one. it's about the game. Not the money.
Ok. So with all that said (the next chapters won't have that massive prologue either so you're lucky there), let's look at the card i believe is a huge value for money card and bang for your buck in the water splinter.
Venari Wavesmith.
This card in my humble opinion, is frigging awesome.
It's a reward card from the new reward card set and therefore, you may even have it, you'll get it soon or you can buy it for next to nothing. If you can't afford next to nothing, then you could rent it for less than a coffee a year.
Why this card?
The Water Splinter as we know, is magic heavy. Low health, but hard hitting if you're using Alric Stormbringer as your Summoner, as he ups your magic attack by 1. This has been the destruction of many a low level player.
It is countered quite easily though if your opposition can figure out you're about to use it. And lets face it, if you use it, it shows up and they can usually guess that you enjoy pumping out magic attacks.
Most other splinters have cards that have the ability to reduce magic damage (Void) or have it hit shields before health (Void Armour). Also the fire splinter for example has the increased speed summoner which could anhialate your team before you even get a shot in.
Up until now though, it's been difficult to counter their counter.
This is where Venari Wavesmith comes in. At level 1 he puts on 2 shield to each of your monsters.
This small bit of protection, will allow you to hold out and get in your shots before they can take you out.
It's this one simple thing, that will usually allow each of your magic attack monsters to get in at least one attack before they are killed. Usually, this is enough. 3 or 4 monsters smashing 2 magic that doesn't worry about shields, won't get thorned if the other person happens to have bought Mylor or last an barrage of speedy melee attacks is a beautiful thing.
Is it fool proof? Will you alway win? Hell no. But you will win more than you did without this card.
If you won it from a chest and haven't used it, do so.
If you haven't got it, then buy yourself a level 1.
If you can't afford to buy it. Rent it. It will set you back about 1.25 dec a day.
Ok. That's it for this one. Stay tuned for the next installment and we will discuss one of the other splinters. If you would like to comment which one next, then do so and if there is more of one, then i will go over that one.
Cheers all.
Keep Splintering.
Jack Out.