SPS replacing CP in Q3

in Splinterlands2 years ago

When I entered the Splinterlands world there was much trumpeting of the success of SPS.
Twitch contained many bullish sentiments towards the token.
When it was announced that SPS would replace DEC in game rewards I read one commenter stating that it would result in the price drop of SPS.
At the time, I thought, "How could that be? Wouldn't that make SPS more attractive with it being used within the game?"

However, the commenter was right. SPS did drop quite rapidly from that point.

Even with the recent BTC rally, SPS seemed left behind.


I have heard Town Hall talk about applying more use for SPS.
The Riftwatcher packs being purchasable via SPS a good testing of the ground for SPS's transaction potential. Unfortunately, the lacklustre price means that a pack is in the 200 SPS range. Affordable for those buying SPS with drypowder. Perhaps, not as attractive for people who purchased SPS at a much higher price.

The Roadmap provides a deeper approach to SPS beyond just the Governance role.
This is important to flesh out more than just how to earn SPS as noted in the whitepaper.
I personally have benefited, as most of us who have Staked SPS, in the rewards generated via SPS rewards, Nightmare Pack, and GenesisLeague rewards.

This highlights the benefits of having your SPS staked. It also underlines the Splinterlands Team commitment to the White Paper.

Once Splintershards are released, nearly every offer and promotion offered by Splinterlands going forward will either require certain amounts of SPS tokens to be staked in order to participate, or provide significant bonuses to players who have SPS tokens staked.

To me, the change in Q3, to switch from CP to Staked SPS holds potential.
There will need to be an understanding how that will all work.()


There is trepidation of course, as with any change, there are punters threatening to leave the game, levelling the usual claims of it being a "Whale-centric" game.
Which, is partly true, due to the game being successful and early adopters having taken a chance on the game and the crypto space.

Nobody would care THIS MUCH if the game wasn't successful.
If this NFT experiment was only just some nifty art then nobody would care.
The fact that it is a NFTY game with a broad range of economy, creativeness, gaming, competitiveness, history, development and run by a dedicated group who want to see it successful, means that those complaining suddenly created expectations.
The crying is due to them having a vested interest that feels jilted.
Whereas, they should accept that this ride is one of the most exciting roller coasters. A roller coaster that is still being built while the cars are zooming along the track - of course it can feel bumpy and scary!

There will be more changes as more revelations occur. Bears, Bulls, Tech, Speculation, Anticipation, Personalities and Ideas bubble within the cauldron.

Anyway, I have skidded sideways, like eating too much vindaloo and not a porta-potty in sight.

Delegation of all kinds adds to an opportunity for those heavily invested into SPS to develop the economy of Splinterlands.
Either by, earning rental income or via demonstrating benevolence to assist in attracting more new players to the game, it helps developing the Splinterlands World to being beyond a card game.


The more funnels to help create a robust SPS economy. Rewarding those who have invested in assets. This will help to create a vibrant economy.
My only question mark in all of these wealth generators is,

"What happens when we reach the max supply of 3,000,000,000?"

I'm in it for the ride. I bought a ticket and taken my seat.
Who knows where it will go. My EGO loves to be kept in check.

I've learnt in Crypto that you never think short term.
You need a reasonably strong stomach. You also need to be into it more than just for monetary reasons.
I mean, if that's your thing and you just want the bling, then that's fine too - do your thing.
There's more going on here than just the cha-ching!
The cha-ching will come as a by product of a great gaming econovironment - a thriving economy and great environment. Let's make this with so much, bredth and depth, that the huge manufacturing Nodes, can exist with the Land Barrons, and all the way down to our Venari Shoe-shiners and Druken Grum Gladiators drinking our Scavo Moonshine.


Posted using Splintertalk


The person quoting in the picture below looks like if mr bean and queen made a love child named Mr.queen. About the SPS staking thing, i fear i may not have enough, im ok if they take all the time in the world rolling it out.

It is the Mr Bean actor in the classic series,.Black Adder.
Good British humour. There's even a girl who dresses up as a, Bob.
He feels strangely attracted to Bob.