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RE: @thepeoplesguild Ultimate Card Pack Challenge!! Jimmy!

in Splinterlands5 months ago

hey jimmy, nice post! I came to check out the competition haha. Its nice to see a teammate around here:)
About your post, I mostly agree with your statements. I remember when packs were raised to 4$. I though "damn, those guys are greedy" and I ended up buying much less packs that I had originally intended. I would probably have spent the same money tho.
For rebellion I did spend less because the price was very prohibited once again.
In my post I didnt wanted to mess with the numbers because I dont have enough information to do so but I do agree packs are very expensive especially now that there are no more bulk buys. In my post I proposed to bring back bulk sales as a way to lower the price of packs a little bit and also trying to make things interesting once again.
I do agree with your detractors that lowering the pack price will have an impact on current cards but thats a hit we have to take. In my opinion we should go back to 2$ packs but we can do so in 2 set rotations. Maybe for the next set sell packs for 3$ + bulk discounts and for the next set we can go back to 2$. I think this would work as a compromise and would lower the impact of changing things too much.