jbtc19yggwarrior cross-posted this post in Splinterlands 3 years ago


in LeoFinance3 years ago

Let me introduced to you my legendary #Uriel the purifier level 2 before we proceed to end of season rewards with such amazing skills and abilities(healing plus recharges plus back up healer combination)

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Yow! My first end of season rewards this 2022 the gold rank III (104,015cp)https://splinterlands.com?p=battle&id=sl_02420333d9d14e4810b3babe9143ba9c&ref=jbtc19warrior

  • See what I got at 22 chest rewards:

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  • wow an epic fire monster (already 4
    cards and ready to level up, 4 common
    cards, 9 dec and 1 alchemy potion

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  • great rewards 50 dec, 3 alchemy
    potions(use of chaos packs openning)
    1 rare gargiya devil and 4 common cards!

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  • another 24 dec, 3 pelacor bandit, 2 pelacor deceiver, pelacir mercenary and gargoya lion(common cards)

    My two days daily rewards chest! These are great cards rewards! Thank you #splinterlands more prices and rewards godspeed!!

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  • this is my daily rewards today
    Another bonus cards with 2 rare cards

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This was yesterday rewards its a rare dec and potions rewards hehe more cards more potions and more dec in gold rank is nicer and the best!!

I hope you guys more luck and bless on end of season reawrds!!
Next new batch of chaos legion to open on Monday!!
Goodluck guys!! Happy @splinterlands


Thats for today #splinterlands I hope you enjoy reading and watching my blogs in #peakd #spt #leofinance #oneup #ecency #hive #proofofbrain @johnfleer @jim-crypto @thgaming @synist3r #oneup #leofinance #proofofbrain #spt @thgaming @doomz @jim-crypto @ultm8x @pansit @captainquack22 @arcangel @shortshots @kimikimi
