Power down and SPS up!

in Splinterlands2 months ago

En diciembre llegue a la maravillosa cantidad de 90 HP, si obviamente todos estamos claros que no es una cantidad enorme, pero con el precio que esta oscilando y un mercado alcista que en cualquier momento puede explotar, preferí iniciar mi power down, semanalmente me caen alrededor de 6-7 HIVEs, los cuales están libres para realizar cualquier acción...

"In December I reached the wonderful amount of 90 HP, yes obviously we are all clear that it is not a huge amount, but with the price that is oscillating and a bull market that at any moment can explode, I preferred to start my power down, weekly I fall around 6-7 HIVEs, which are free to perform any action..."


Ahora la pregunta es.... ¿Dónde pueden ser invertidos?

En algún punto considere colocarlo en HBD al ser una moneda estable, pudiera ir reuniendo para obtener una buena cantidad y generar un interés en saving que se mantuviera en el tiempo... pero decidí comenzar a ahorrar nuevamente en SPS, comencé a comprar ya semanalmente lo que cayera del HP, mas lo que sumara por la renta de mis propios SPS.

"Now the question is.... Where can they be invested?

At some point I considered placing it in HBD as it is a stable currency, I could accumulate it to obtain a good amount and generate an interest in savings that would be maintained over time... but I decided to start saving again in SPS, I started buying weekly what would fall from the HP, plus what it would add for the income of my own SPS."

En el futuro, espero no arrepentirme de esta decisión, ya que el precio no ha vuelto a recuperar el 0.01$ la quema de DEC continua y hay muchas formas en las cuales el equipo se ha esforzado en que esas grandes cantidades de DEC sean reducidas o estén bajo la tutela de la DAO.

Muchas cartas, muchos planes de marketing, queda de parte de nosotros los jugadores, hacer que todo ese esfuerzo valga la pena y poner nuestro grano de arena ayudando a la comunidad

"In the future, I hope I don't regret this decision, as the price has not recovered $0.01, the DEC burning continues and there are many ways in which the team has worked to ensure that these large amounts of DEC are reduced or are under the guardianship of the DAO.

Many cards, many marketing plans, it is up to us players to make all that effort worthwhile and do our bit by helping the community."


Ya faltando una semana para que se acabe la temporada creo que me ha ido bastante bien, he llegado a los 2100 trofeos, posicionándome en el rating 1422, me ha sorprendido encontrar en el camino, personas que solo colocan una carta que obviamente no permite que haya un desafío en la batalla, llegue a pensar que eran bots pero tal vez sea que en ese momento se le terminaba el alquiler de las cartas y no le quedaba mas remedio o solo no tenían mas cartas alquiladas del tipo que exigía la batalla.

Así mismo, compartiré un par de batallas que me gustaron mucho

"With one week left until the end of the season I think I have done quite well, I have reached 2100 trophies, positioning myself in the rating 1422, I was surprised to find along the way, people who only place a card that obviously does not allow There was a challenge in the battle, I came to think that they were bots but maybe it was because at that moment the rental of the cards was running out and there was no other choice or they just didn't have any more rented cards of the type that the battle required. battle.

Likewise, I will share a couple of battles that I really liked"




Definitivamente la mejor habilidad es Bloodlust!

"Definitely the best skill is Bloodlust!"