Un feliz 2025 les desea Einys!

in Splinterlands2 months ago


Ya luego de que la primera semana de enero a terminado y vamos por la segunda y ya tenemos un dibujo de Einys para la comunidad de Splinterlands. Nomo compartiendo con las dos legendarias de Vida, riendo, muy felices se ven.

Aquí las redes de Einys:

"Now after the first week of January is over and we are going into the second and we already have a drawing of Einys for the Splinterlands community. Nomo sharing with the two legends of Vida, laughing, they look very happy.

Here are the Einys networks:"



Si estas buscando ilustradora, no dudes en seguirla!

Esperemos este año, el SPS retome su camino alcista y veamos una comunidad creciente, para mi ha sido en lo personal un buen comienzo de año, he podido compartir bastantes post con la comunidad y he jugado bastante, aun no he tenido la suerte de obtener un pack Beta o Alpha, pero se sigue intentando.

"If you are looking for an illustrator, don't hesitate to follow her!

Let's hope this year, the SPS resumes its upward path and we see a growing community, for me personally it has been a good start to the year, I have been able to share quite a few posts with the community and I have played a lot, I have not yet been lucky enough to obtain a Beta or Alpha pack, but they keep trying."