Chaos dragon looks quite nice and I don't have this card. I do have the diamond dragon which is high armor but low health though.
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Chaos dragon looks quite nice and I don't have this card. I do have the diamond dragon which is high armor but low health though.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Diamond Dragon is a beast I wish I own, I don't have it. So many wishes on Splinterlands!
Posted using LeoFinance Mobile
It has flying and slow ability at level 1 so it's a pretty good choice. It's just too bad that the mana cost is high so I don't use him too often.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It is at least better than Chaos Dragon whose mana is 14, I like the slow ability of Diamond Dragon, being able to slow your opponent goes a long way in impacting the game.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta