My Splinterlog Continues (ENG/ESP) Plus Winter Surfing & Blockchain Gaming with Splinterlands

in Splinterlands3 years ago

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Hello Splinterlanders, this is an ongoing series of stories inspired from my journey into Splinterlands. Many friends have made it possible for me to learn and enjoy Blockchain Games such as Splinterlands and I would like to feature them in my upcoming posts. Before the story begins I wanted to mention that the photos I share in the background are from my travels and the surfing one is of me at my favourite surf spot here. I was able to plunge into the chilly winter surf today and it was amazing. Let the story begin...

Fog hovered over my campsite until late morning. The start of a journey is always exciting, yet the low clouds of confusion can quickly set in.

I managed to complete my daily task and the crackling kindling below the pan of my breakfast was all I could hear in the early moments in the woods. I knew I needed to begin today's journey with a plan.

Yesterday I had only one strategy, today I have two. Yet, sadly, I must report that I made little progress today even with two strategies. I am sure seasoned travelers will smile at these days of starting out, the grind and concern for if I am taking the right path.

Thankfully I take solace in writing down my thoughts over the day. My map which I have been working on from snippets of conversations overheard in Hive Tavern has many paths that lead to the Silver Lake. Alas, though I think it may take me some time. Would anyone be willing to be my guide and explain which card I should rent?

(I have 20 DEC thanks to @jeeseoostv / and my goal is to make it past the bronze autumn path where I can start to earn energy crystals).

I must pick up a 3rd or 4th strategy as anyone who finds me in battle like this would be able to predict my moves from miles away.

That is all for today. Just some rambling thoughts and a humble request in Splinterlands. I appreciate you, fellow Splinterlander, for taking an interest in my journey.

I really would like to highlight the help @jesseoostv has given to me as here after writing this post this kind Splinterlander showed me how I can improve via Discord. What a great community!

Until next time.

Warm regards

Jonathan @streamjonathan / @jonamccallum

La niebla bajaba sobre mi campamento esta mañana hasta casi mediodia. El comienzo de un viaje siempre es emocionante, pero las nubes bajas de confusión pueden aparecer rápidamente.

Me las arreglé para completar mi tarea diaria y el chisporroteo debajo de la sartén de mi desayuno fue todo lo que pude escuchar en la mañana en el bosque. Sabía que necesitaba comenzar el viaje de hoy con un plan. Ayer solo tenía una estrategia, hoy tengo dos.

Sin embargo, lamentablemente, debo informar que hoy he logrado pocos avances, incluso con dos estrategias. Estoy seguro de que los viajeros expertos sonreirán ante estos días de empezar, la rutina y la preocupación por si estoy tomando el camino correcto.

Afortunadamente, me consuelo escribiendo mis pensamientos durante el día. Mi mapa en el que he estado trabajando a partir de fragmentos de conversaciones que escuché en Hive Tavern tiene muchos caminos que conducen al Silver Lake. Por desgracia, aunque creo que tardaría algún tiempo.

¿Alguien estaría dispuesto a ser mi guía y explicarme qué tarjeta debo alquilar (tengo el 20 de diciembre y aún no he superado el sendero otoñal de bronce donde puedo comenzar a ganar cristales de energía)?

Debo elegir una tercera o cuarta estrategia, ya que cualquiera que me encuentre en una batalla como esta podría predecir mis movimientos desde millas de distancia.

Eso es todo por hoy. Solo algunos pensamientos divagantes y una humilde petición en Splinterlands. Te agradezco, compañero Splinterlander, por interesarte en mi viaje.

Hasta que nos encontremos a lo largo del camino o en la orilla del lago plateado,

Jonathan @streamjonathan / @jonamccallum


I just discovered this series today and read a few of your posts. I like the formatting and storytelling. Seems like a fun way to document your journey.

"Would anyone be willing to be my guide and explain which card I should rent?"

20 DEC can go surprisingly far. One mistake a lot of newcomers make too is over-renting - each ranked season is only 2 weeks long so you really only "need" each card for 2 week intervals. Many people rent on a 1-3 day cycle. Start by renting for maybe 2-3 days at a time until you get a feel for what is a good deal and what kind of strategy you want to go with.

1 Card though? Probably Venari Wavesmith.

(Shameless plug)
I run a Splinterlands guild (Dinero Juegos) and we have a community page here. (
On there we have a general overview I wrote on Hive/Splinterlands interaction, and a guild member wrote a guide on how to work your way out of Bronze rank.
We actually have 2 spots open so perhaps you can join sometime down the road.

Anyways, thanks for sharing!

Thank you so much for your comment and thoughtfulness, sorry for my delay replying. This is really helpful to know. So cool to hear about your Guild and I'll check it out.

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the person sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at

These stories have been really fun to write. Thank you for taking a moment to read and connect here on Hive & also on Splinterlands.