End Of Season Thoughts...

in Splinterlands3 years ago



That was the roughest season in the history of Splinterlands LOL

And I thought about a week ago, it was just me...However reading posts on Splintertalk over the past few days, I can see it was across the board.

I figured I'd give an update on how I did overall, and my plans going forward....

That Was Rough!


Geeez, this was from 35 chests that I battled consistently for over the past 2 weeks. I can't believe I actually got to 35 chests though lol What a grind!

Don't get me wrong, I loved every minute of it. As frustrating as this past season was, I still had fun and added a bunch of rewards to my account.

Still, I'm confused. I got to Champions league 2 weeks ago, so this was supposed to be my 'Champions' rewards....Maybe I'm missing something? Or just super unlucky this haul lol

But What About This Season?

And here comes the dilemma I'm facing, and would love to hear your thougths on how to proceed...

pointing this video out to me in the CTP Discord btw )( Thanks to @maddogmike for

@bulldog1205 did a video about a month ago about 2 rental services that cater to Splinterlands players.

SplinterRents and Splex.gg

I checked out the video, and decided that if I did use these services, I would have to do some 'management' on my account. Basically, put cards into different accounts that I wanted to rent out....

Of course, I could always just rent everything out in one swoop...But I'm addicted to this game and I'm sure I'll wanna play this season...

Have you had any experience with either of these rental services?

I'd love to hear if you did!

Did It Get Harder Though...For Real?

So the new season started, it took me 13 matches and about 8 wins to get my first reward chest for the day....

This doesn't seem right?


I am earning like 6,000 FP a match to a max of 10,000....Is this just because the new day hasn't flipped over?

Or has Splinterlands become SUPER hard to progress in?

Lots to think about in this coming season....


Season was super rough and the end of season rewards where Poot from what I've seen so far. I got lucky on my daily quest just before the end of the season and picked up two legendary cards of which one was a Gold. Something felt way off and changed this season that didn't seem to sit well with a lot of people.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Just rough lol Those merit rewards are annoying too lol But I guess I can't complain too much, it's more assets :)

Posted using Splintertalk

yeah there seems to be a lot of what I would call filler rewards lol but you're right an asset is an asset and it only grows! Same boat as everyone else.

I believe they've made it harder to climb up the ranks as well by changing how much ranks you gain when you win. It is going to make the climb much harder from now on.

The problem is, you start losing ECR so quickly and before you know it...You have 1 chest and down to like 60% lololol

Posted using Splintertalk

Splex.gg gives some card management options, like what you want to rent off or not. I'm trying to figure out if I want to manage things there or if I want to delegate to another account. Management both ways seems a chore, but I'm leaning towards keeping it all in one place

For sure, doign it one at a time is just painful. I'm so willing to pay 10% to have it all done lolol

Posted using Splintertalk

I'm going to give this season another go, not going to rent out my cards yet. Will report as the season progresses if it remains as hard this season as last season.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Urgh I think I may end up in the same boat lol I love the game too much to not play lol

Posted using Splintertalk

It's been tough lately in Splinterlands and the start of a season is always tough to get chests. It gets easier later on in the season when you move up in the ranks.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm used to the start being hard...But the entire 2 weeks lol

Posted using Splintertalk

Wow, that is what I call unlucky! Especially your dec rewards... is your end season reward $5? I got 27 chests which turned out to be $15 so 3x your reward and I felt that I was unlucky😅

lol Yeah it was bad....I spent all yesterday, 13 matches or something to get 1 chest....And got a Pelacor Mercanary lol

Posted using Splintertalk

uff... that pelacor really needs to 100x one day lol😂

Yeah, the rewards were rather bad pretty much all season (for me, at least).

I didn't notice the season was hard until the end. I just played out of inertia the rest of the season, I guess.

There are reasons why it was harder, one of them being that it followed a super-long one and it was a super-short one. And that messes things up.

As for services for auto-renting, I'm using splex.gg, and it has really good results. It kinda burns through your RCs at a balanced usage (there are different modes to use it, including aggressive and low RCs) if you have many cards under their management, so you need to delegate enough HP to the accounts (more than they recommend). I use multiple accounts to rent out from. A way to split cards by different criteria. The "issue" with that is you have to manually centralize DEC from these accounts. And this can become a chore in itself.

I tried to rent out a bunch of cards manually this morning. Just a headache....I guess I need to figure out a system for account management, and send cards to that for rentals.

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