Rarity: ANY
Element: DRAGON + ANY
The Battle Rules
22 Mana Cost
Lost Legendaries: Legendary Monsters can't be used. Legendary Summoners are still available though.
My Team
- Kretch Tavellor Lvl 2: I use it because of low mana cost and even in bronze league i can use lvl 3 rare cards.
- Djinn Chwala Lvl 2: Frontline monster with a good amount of damage and plenty of health and armor. A big plus for its ability to return melee attack when hit with its ability THORNS.
- Twilight Basilisk Lvl 3: Good monster for its damage, health and armor. With the ability "REACH" to attack in second-line position even if its a melee monster.
- Gargoya Scrapper Lvl 1: Cannon fodder when frontline monster dies and also for those monster that have the ability "OPPORTUNITY" because it will be attacked first for its low health.
- Venari Crystalsmith Lvl 3: Picked it for its ablity "TANK HEAL" to heal front line monster.
- Naga Assassin Lvl 3: Good amount of health for a back-line monster with its 5 speed increasing the probability to dodge monster with "SNEAK" ability
I picked my team because it can survived longer because of its good health, armor and healing. I can also take out its front-line melee monster faster.
And I am right. By the time the 2nd round ends i took out most of its monster while mine are still standing strong.
And thats it. Not losing any monster by the end of the match.