kaonashi6686 cross-posted this post in Splinterlands 4 years ago

Breakdown of end of Season awards from 09/15/2020

Hi all, figured I would show and give my opinion on the rewards I received for the end of the season. I ended up finishing at Silver II, and as such I got 15 loot chests as an award. The breakdown was:

  • 5 DEC packs - (38 DEC total)
  • 3 Alchemy Potion charges
  • 1 Legendary Potion charge
  • 5 cards
  • Untamed Booster Pack

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The Details

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  • Warrior of Peace doesn't do much for me. It definitely does have its purpose, but I have always preferred Shieldbreaker for 1 more mana, since it has taunt. At this point, all getting so many of these has done is allowed me to have a card that is worth slightly more.

  • I didn't think I was going to like Phantasm, but I have since really been trying out flying tanks in the 1st spot, and especially with 4 speed it can be formidable. I will probably hold onto this one for now, but Gloridax Soldier (see below) is cheaper and has shield, so perhaps not.

  • See below for info on the Untamed Booster Pack after I open it.

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  • Only one card in this set, would be disappointing if it weren't for the Alchemy Potions, which got used up when I opened up the Booster Pack, but are not unwelcome.

  • See my above comments on Phantasm for why I think Gloridax Soldier fits a nice niche. It is far cheaper than Undead Rexx, and despite having lower stats, it has flying and shield, which is a devastating combo.

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  • Potions come, potions go and the cycle continues. Again, not going to say I don't like getting potions, but not too exciting until I see what I get because of them in the future.

  • Etin Spearman is one I did not expect to use at all, except that in high mana matches it is nice to have a 3 damage ranged with high health sometimes, especially when playing a match where you need to protect the back of your line.

  • See above, Warrior of Peace is meh, but I'll take it.

Untamed Booster Pack

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  • Mantid is what it is, which like Etin Spearman is a very situational ranged beast. Other than vs Sneak, I'm not sure of the utility, but it might be good in a reverse speed match as well, with a speed of only 2

  • Tortisian fighter might be the most useless card I've seen yet. There are better blue and neutral cards for slot fillers, and there is no way this is going in first slot even in a 12 mana match.

  • I'm always happy to get a behind the front lines melee, but this is pretty expensive except for second slot, so it may be only situationally useful when I can't put my heavy hitters up front and want to stack the deck behind it with ranged.

  • Not a horrible sacrifice card, if you want something to soak up some damage in the front slot, but again, not broadly useful in my opinion.

  • Always happy to get another spellcaster. Not too impressive stats, but the price is right so this would be ok in the middle of the deck.


While I am perfectly happy with these cards, I was hoping for at least one card with opportunity or another extra perk I could make use of. In that regard, only Gloridax Soldier fit the bill. The rest, including Mantoid were either only situationally useful or hardly useful at all.

As always, my opinions are solely my own. Please let me know in the comments if you enjoyed this post, I will try to post these each season, amd maybe some mid-cycle if I get packs or something interesting in the meantime. And have fun playing.