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RE: Road to CHAMPION END: What is going on with Splinterlands Assets and Why

in Splinterlands3 years ago

-Cards being cheap is good. New players coming in need cheap cards. Not everyone has thousands in crypto laying around to buy a good set of cards for each splinter
-this is actually a great time to start buying cards, especially sets before chaos legion. Should new players start buying when prices are high? You think card prices will go down when lands become usable?
-the entire NFT market is low right now. This isnt a dip unique to splinterlands.
-I bought SPS the day it was released for 25 cents, so you think id be down on it….. but due to the airdrops and APR (still at 40% apr btw) i have 4x the SPS i initially bought so im up 4x on my investment.
-“SPL raised $3.6 million in a private token sale. This is a very low total for a game purported to be as big as Splinterlands.”
Congratulations youve just realized how undervalued Splinterlands is. This is the most played crypto game and one of the most used DAPPs in all of crypto. If you dont count exchanges like pancakeswap this is the most used DAPP in crypto.

-The devs have incorporated numerous anti-bot measures. All DAPPs can be botted and are botted heavily.
-Calling yourself a newcomer then complaining that card prices are too cheap? Makes no sense to me whatsoever.
-If splinterlands had a marketcap like axie infinities youd be looking at $15-20 SPS with whats currently circulating. Splinterlands has more players and a lower cost of entry.
-i dont understand “I dont trust this game”…. Everything theyve done is transparent and standard things a game company would do, all while creating tons of value for their players. Im sorry you didnt get in a year ago like me, but thats why the chaos legion set had 3x more cards to be released than Untamed, so noobies like you wouldnt need to pay exorbitant prices to play the game competitively. How you spin that into a negative is beyond me.
-do you have any evidence the “team is running the bots”? Or are you just a disgruntled noob who went all in on a bunch of cards weeks ago when prices were high, then saw their collection value go down as the entire crypto space especially NFTs went down….
-The splinterlands player base did a 30x in a couple months and the dev team has 70 members now and youre mad theyre raising money by selling card packs? Just like theyve always done since 2018?
-this entire article is completely off base. I have been investing in crypto games for over 4 years now and after playing hundreds splinterlands is hands down the most quality and entertaining game ive found to date. Its the benchmark for all other games i try to compare to. I bought all my cards in a similar downtrend in the card market and im extremely happy i did because now im making $50-100 a day renting cards all from the cards i bought in 2020. I expect nothing different from chaos legion cards especially as people combine them to level up. The circulating supply will decrease 100 fold for some of these cards. Commons themselves take 500 cards to max the level. Buy those now when theyre pennies. Even when youre not playing the game you can rent the cards for income which is amazing.


You don't sound objective here 😟. But thanks for posting your thoughts in a nice way.

  1. Our personal experience doesn't matter here. Mavericks like to tell stories about how they were early and made good money but it doesn't mean anything for the present or future.

  2. $3.6m valuation is from both the company's internal figures and the investors doing due diligence. This is a pretty rigorous process. Nobody is undervaluing anything.

  3. Devs endorse bots publicly. The founder posted a referral in Discord to the biggest botmaker.

  4. SPL should have more token movement/market cap if the numbers are legitimate.

The main things I want to stress though for anyone reading comments:

  1. "this is actually a great time to start buying cards, especially sets before chaos legion. Should new players start buying when prices are high? You think card prices will go down when lands become usable?"

This is horrible advice. Even the mavericks admit cards will most likely drop to 3 cents per common.

  1. I'm not writing this article about you or me. I'm writing this to help all players make an informed decision that this game's main KPI (top DAU, top DAPP) are fradulent and based on a wide net of bots/multiaccounts.
  1. I wasnt a maverick until chaos legion dropped. If the overall scape of blockchain gaming continues to progress, this game will continue to increase value with it. Lands being released next year will also increase the demand for cards to whole new levels, so theres no real good reason to assume getting in now is bad. Unless the whole of crypto enters another bear market, I dont see people buying now not being able to do the exact same thing I did a year ago.

  2. 3.6m generated in the SPS sale is what the team limited itself to. They capped that and sold the exact amount of SPS they said they would at 1.8 cents to those institutions. Institutions inquired about buying more from the other funds they had set aside for things like SPS battle rewards and the team did not oblige. The game is immensely undervalued for the amount of DAU it has. The quality of the product is very high compared to some of these games that dont even have a product yet are valued at 300m (aurory). When I invest in games having a working product is one of the things i look for. I have yet to find a game with so many polished features such as renting your assets and ive played/tried over 100 crypto games.

  3. Devs have stated numerous times that banning bots is a fools errand. They have recently introduced measures to make bots less profitable, like no DEC rewards until bronze 2 is reached. They have repeatedly stated "yeah go ahead and bot, but we will continue to make botting less worthwhile as long as it doesnt compromise the game play for non bot users". Thats hardly an "endorsement".

  4. What numbers are you talking about? DAU? Token release schedule? Circulating supply? We can debate how many of the Daily Active Users are bots, but honestly if you go on the discord most people, including known botters, are of the opinion that its wayyyy less profitable to bot now than it was before. To the point where most people who considered buying bots arent considering it anymore. When i get past bronze league i encounter almost no bots. And to be honest i dont even mind playing bots, its an easy win for me.

"This is horrible advice. Even the mavericks admit cards will most likely drop to 3 cents per common."

So youre in the business of trying to time market bottoms? Your advice to new players is to not play and try to get lucky and time a bottom? Thats not good advice at all. Maybe they will go down to 3 cents, maybe less, maybe not? Its about getting a feel for the long term trajectory of the game, the blockchain gaming market as a whole, and make educated long term decisions based on that. Rent your cards in the meantime and collect crypto on an asset you own. When i buy cards i look for market dips like this and buy low, knowing that in the next year lands will be released and likely need multiple cards assigned per land plot. If the cards drop value in the meantime im reducing my cost basis by renting my assets. Its very nice to be able to collect money from an asset class like this without needing to sell it. This isnt just some NFT that is a picture. Its an NFT that has utility and therefore will have higher than average demand and will be insulated to a degree from market fluctuations when compared to similar assets with no utility.

Bots are in silver 3 now just FYI since I am a low level player. I like bots when they are stupid, but when they are getting smarter it's discouraging I guess to newer players especially if they use powerful cards. I like Chaos Legion because it gives chances to allow new players like me to purchase packs and open them which should be fun, and rent and cards price dropping is also most welcomed.

bots have been in s3 ever since the changes in September. It isn't news, but they are way less profitable (and if you rent stupidly they are a net loss) than they were before the cubed changes. And way more management then they were before the reward chest changes were.

The bots also have good rental snipes, so most are at <10 Dec / day for silver 3, so in that sense they are profitable still. Like I say as long as bot remains stupid fodder, genuine players will be happy. And yes the reward changes for the chests is good against bots.

Hey kauff. Again I want to thank you for having a constructive discussion.

  1. Getting in right now is bad because the cards will tank even further in the General Sale. Plus the value of DEC is much higher than the peg and the founders clearly want to lower it.

  2. Hard disagree here with the SPS sale. The truth is neither of us know but I know how equity deals work and nobody ever limits themselves. I agree the product quality is high (this is why I invested!) but they're hurting themselves.

  3. There are many avenues to reducing the viability of bots. They've explored very few of them historically. I come from an industry with a huge botting problem.

  4. Bots generate infinite money in this economy still. The calculations have been run. So if you don't stop them, the best operations will scale to thousands.

  5. No I'm not in the business of trying to time bottoms. I'm in the business of not buying assets that are guaranteed to depreciate as part of a coordinated money grab from the developers.

Do you want to bet with me if cards will lower during the first X months of the general sale or increase?

  1. You do realize that if you have dec though, buying cards with DEC isn't a bad decision? Thats what i've been doing because I expect the dec price to go down with card prices, but i'm way less certain on the dec/bcx ratio. So I spend my Dec on cards and rent them out and by the time general sale happens, i'll have made most of my dec investment back.
  1. That is only true for Chaos legion, which is one of several sets. Ive been encouraging my guildmates to buy untamed and other sets that will be used in modern format. Prices of those will likely shoot up alot when that battle mode releases and running up to it.

2.They did limit themselves. They designed the tokenomics and proportions of SPS that would be used for various purposes before the private sale. These numbers were released before the private sale, so they had to hold themselves to the amount of SPS they publicly stated would be sold to private investors, and they did just that.

3.As with any game, there must be a fine balance with combatting bots without compromising the gameplay for regular players. What they have done in the past 6 months has drastically reduced the bot profitability and incentive to bot.

  1. bots can never be permanently stopped on decentralized applications. its hard enough to stop them on centralized games where you can force people to prove theyre a unique individual. Bots can be disincentivized, and they have been more than ever the past 6 months. go read the discord, many people asking questions about bots, the consensus is that its no longer worth it.

  2. Youre acting like Chaos Legion cards are the only Splinterlands assets that exist. You use the umbrella term "Cards" but you seem to only be referring to the latest set, as the older sets are all sold out. "Coordinated Money Grab" is quite the mischaracterization. Is McDonalds selling me a McChicken for $1 also a "coordinated money grab"? I guess anything a business ever does to make money is a "coordinated money grab". No one is forcing you to buy chaos legion cards. Theres plenty of other cards from older sets. This was alll known before you bought the cards too. They didnt release the packs then say "by the way theres gonna be 15 million packs". Youre literally complaining about a business selling a product that you bought before looking into how many packs would be minted. All that information was publicly available.

Everyone knows chaos legion cards will drop in price in the general sale. No one forced you to buy these and it was all predictable based on the information that was publicly given before the packs were sold. Once again there 80% of the assets in this game dont even fall under the umbrella of things your complaining about because all the packs were already sold.