
Favorite ruleset: Noxious fumes
Least favorite: Little league

I love noxious fumes because I have a high win-rate on this ruleset. I have been playing up against a lot of accounts that usually disregard this rule, and end up losing because of the -2 damage.

I hate little league because when I rent out, I usually don't take it into account so I end up just winging my line-up and losing.

I actually love Noxious Fumes ruleset.

Lorna Shine/Mother Khala

Herbalist lv. 3
Almo Cambio

  • Venari Crystalsmith / Divine Healer / Baby Unicorn / Armorsmith etc.

It usually makes for an auto-win against nearly any team.

With the new Reward Cards, it got boosted in CrystalSmith, and Harklaw Lv. 2 means that now my Death team will be just as lethal in Poison rounds. >:D That will likely be the first Legendary I purchase out of these reward cards, once they have bottomed out a bit.

what a bummer with those season reward chests :/ liked the way u reacted with laugh, not causing u any headaches by the unfortunate outcome :) im still a noob wandering around b3, so no special rulsets there, BUT something very pleasant happened few minutes before the end of last season.. rules were somehow applied :D im a person rooting for this game modification in almost every contact (streams/discord) i can get with the competent, so that low leagues could be a bit more versatile with those deck specifications :) back to my one and only experience, equaliser was the rule which i completely dominated! :D what a fun that was! low mana water mages got 8 health that was fatal! heh, i really need to buy the power to get higher and start enjoying the game more, because its so dull in where i am right now. nice question mate :) ign: dusi, cheers!

My least favorite rule-set would be those that you can use only odd or even mana cards, because they limit my choices a lot, specially in low mana battles, they are very constraining rule-sets. My favorite could it be the Earthquake one, although, I don't always win, but it's amazing how you see the cards fall one by one, specially when you don't pay attention and you are not using flying cards. Have you noticed how many people don't pay attention to the rule-sets? Thank you again for your wonderful giveaways!

I really don't like the odd and even mana rulesets, I feel they're way too random for me to have specific strategies for them, they simply cancel some of my best cards and leave me without knowing what to do.


I like Little League rule set where only 4 Mana or less can be used. I tend to use low mana monsters and I always win in those type of matches. Mostly I either use tons of Sneaks, or Ranged monsters in Death or Life.

ign: @macbelieve

My favorite ruleset is Melee Mayhem and Lost Magic because i prefer to play Life with Silvershield Knight. I'm still a newbie and don't have a lot of cards to play with, mostly renting...

Well, I like Undead Trex so much to be in the frontline. So one of my favorite rules is the trample rule wuth blast. We all know it's gonna be unli trample all the way. Ign: xenonia

Its not a rule-set. But 99 mana cap is one of the most fun battles. letting the big gun out is fun!

use dragon (the one with the shield) splinter with the fire splinter. even with basic monster this combo is deadly!

best ruleset for me is no magic. i really hate water enemies.. my worst is no melee, i love using melee fire team..
thanks man for the giveaway :D

my worst ruleset would be the odd/even card only. its hard to combo my card.
thankyou again for the giveaway :D

My favorite rule set is the 99 mana one. It feels like a grand spectacle to watch. I also like that it is less luck that the cheaper mana battles.

My favorite rule-set is the Health Equaliser one. I love it because I generally will pick low-mana, low-health cards with strong special abilities. I usually go all-out in this approach with 0 tanks under this rule-set, but it almost always works because my open will pick at least one tank.

my favorite ruleset it the rule that makes all monster got the same hp im just new to the game so i dunno the name..i love that because i love using water magic which they have little hp but always dodge

My least favorite rule set with Earth splinter using Mylor, second LLama with Kron😁

my favourite rule-set is the where all monsters get same hp as the one who has the most the worst one is the poison one.
ty so much ign: @helicopter-d

Good point about the quest potions being more valuable to those bronze and silver players who barely get any regular quest chests.

My favorite ruleset is when speed gets inverted. I tend to have some very good 1 speed monsters that suddenly shine when they get to hit first. !PIZZA

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Most favorite ruleset will be Back to Basics, as almost most of the time I'll win with deck with Axemaster or Silvershield Assassin with their double attack.

$PIZZA@kennysgaminglife! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @tedus.

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My least favorite rule set is the melee only one against Earth splinter using Mylor since I grew tired of renting one as well and I just counter him, rather easily with range team. But for this ruleset, I got no chance except when I rented Yodin, but since I'm trying to lessen my renting to be able to buy gf cards for power and avoid EoS rental market craziness, I stopped renting legendary summoners for now as well, leaving me powerless against Mylor in this particular rule set.

I dislike most the rule-set allowing me to play only uneven-mana-cost-cards. I just have too few cards to make sense of this rule-set. :/

I'm not very good with the 4 and under cost little guy set. I love the one where everyone's health pops up to the health of the highest creature. Creates some high health cards with good abilities. Thanks for the giveaway. @squishna

Since I like to play Mylor, of course my favorite ruleset is "Up Close and Personal", At least, when I'm not doing a quest for another @half-fast

The most of ruleset are troublesome to me becasue i'am still new and don't have a good strategy for the most of them x_x, but i guess that Eartquake can be my less favorite because i usually end using magic and my oponent use a counter-magic team xD @amaillo-m



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I love earthquake because not everyone has a summoner that gives all flight! Ign: naychop

Thanks for the giveaway!
IGN: @luizeba

I hate all the rulesets that weakens magic creatures, like "Weak Magic" and "Silenced Summoners". My "main" strategy (eg the one I've invested more and have more available cards) is using lots of magic creatures together with Alric; so I'm already way behind my enemies when these rulesets are in 😔