⚔️ Daily Pack Opening & Giveaway, Ep. 32 ⚔️ Opening a Gladius! ⚔️ Giving away 50 SPS/day until pre-sale! ⚔️

in Splinterlands3 years ago (edited)

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I think that the price of SPS will be between what it is now and 1.50. I do think it may dip back down afterwards though.
My ign is champster101

Personally, I assume the value of SPS to stay the same because of the existing daily airdrops. But if it dips, it will be my chance to hoard SPS.



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2 dollars plus. It sounds insane but how many might buy SPS at any price to quickly swap it for packs? That SPS is then effectively out of circulation at that point. Additionally, I don't see the value in staking going away anytime soon with the continued SPS airdrop. And is there an official end to the voucher system?

SPS for now:
For the short term the price of SPS seems to be in an uptrend due to the chaos legion presale but be mindful that sudden drops in price is normal in crypto and it is actually healthy. Maybe the value will hit 1$.

End of pre-sale:
This is when it gets kind of scary because we know that a lot of people bougth SPS primarily because of the pre-sale so it is only normal that the value of SPS may drop significantly. Although we can never really tell, but I believe that the developers of this game is one of the best and I know that they will find solutions for this. You may be asking me why I would say that but in the end of september there was a sudden dip in the price of Bitcoin, ALTS and NFT's but guess which crypto was on the green? SPS and DEC. I think the value maybe below a dollar about 0.8$?

Btw, thank you for the 10SPS! And nice content as always!



My prediction is: The price 'll stay around 1 for the next few weeks, but in the last week of the presale its gonna dip to 0,3.

I think the price gonna skyrock until the end of the year, then will calm down a little , for going up when something new will be announced again.

I figure that SPS spikes up to the $3-5 range but ultimately collapsing below $1 by the end of the presale. !PIZZA

I'm hoping itll stay in the range its at now, around $1-1.20 and I'd be over the moon!

I think the price of SPS is going to be 1.50 @michaeldav

I think the price will continue to rise as the new cards are airdropped and people are buying packs using SPS. I easily see it go past 2$, maybe even higher.

My prediction is - SPS will be around $1.8


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There are multiple factors to consider:

  • SPS can be staked
  • SPS is needed to receive vouchers
  • SPS can be used to buy packs

As it is "easy" to get new SPS with stacking and because I believe that after the pre-sale launches a lot of the price action will move from SPS to acquiring vouchers, the price of SPS will stay or drop a bit to a min of 0,5. There might be a few spikes around 1.5-2 USD along the way, but I don't think they will last.


You come up with some great though provoking questions in the last weeks. Thanks for that and grats to the card pull!

I think it will go to 1.1-1.2 in second week of presale.
then go down to next expansion.

I think more intresting idea is sell packs not for cash(4$) but something like 10sps.
some weeks ago it was 2.5$ now 8$.
devs need burn more sps

sorry for my english :)

As long as the pre-sale is not release, there's no other way but upwards. I might be hoping too much but I like to think it would rise up to $2. The only problem I can see is the event where pre-sale ended.

ign: rayver0329

I think it might go from its current price now to 1.20, and probably stay in that range.

I see SPS peaking at around 1.20 early in the presale and then falling off as we get further in and it becomes more lucrative to just buy the vouchers directly.

Wow! Thanks for the SPS Kenny, made a newbie very happy!
As for the SPS price, I believe it can still climb a little bit, a little over 1 buck, but I also believe most people already have their SPS ready to purchase the packs, so it won't skyrocket right now....
Cheers from Brazil! !PIZZA

@omarcio, sorry! You need more $PIZZA to use this command.

The minimum requirement is 20.0 PIZZA liquid, and 0.0 PIZZA staked.

More $PIZZA is available from Hive-Engine or Tribaldex

I think there will be a rise until the first week of voucher airdrops. Approx. SPS achieving $1.10... afterwards I fear a decline until $0.65... don't make me responsible for any wrong approximations, though. ;) Although I suppose that SPS will decline I cannot part from my SPS. I WANT Chaos legion cards ;)

My prediction would be a trend in which SPS Being consistently upward but may show a downward continuation after the airdrop...

However, given the word of the mouth as the airdrop is successful and a lot of players continuously spreading the good news, hopefully it goes back to an upward trend...

I think the price of SPS will drop toward the end of the presale as people get enough staked to earn vouchers they need. It will also be influenced by some unstaking that occurs to purchase the packages. Is the SPS that is used for purchasing Chaos packs burned or used as rewards for the next season?

My guess is between $0.75 to $1.20. But still hoping to see it skyrocket.
IGN: cloudgendary

First and foremost, thank you for the SPS!

Second, I think SPS could potentially jump up to $2 given how it can be used for the Chaos packs, burning a bit of SPS in the process.

i think the price of sps will steadily increase until the CL packs drop. after that, it might go down because some people might start selling
ign: happypechay

Hmm. I think $1.5-$2.

I am guessing it might hit a nice whopping $1.50 - $2 actually.


SPS is probably gonna continue climbing, until the airdrops finish, especially near the pre sale...probably between 1.2 and 1.5 dollars!

I think it is possible the price of SPS reaches 1.5-2$, but I think a lot of that will depend on the quality of the promotional cards and the future usefulness of the vouchers.
IGN: sneaky-neutrino

I think it will hit 1$.

I think it primarily depends on the uses SPS gains. For example, the introduction of SPS vouchers likely played a contributing factor in the recent increase in the price of SPS.

Sps price between now and the end of the presale will going to be very spikey, many investors will take advantage to the high rate demand of sps due to chasing of vouchers, but I still expect that sps will go between 1.5 - 2.5 dollars.

Well I think SPS will make it to about $5.00 on a spike and will come down to around $3.00 just my guess tho

it will go down and then up again after the new pack is announced?

I see the price of SPS on Mars! Hahahaha just kidding

But something between $0,8 and $1,2.

IGN opuntia

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I just realized I was not able to say thank you. Thank you very much Kenny @kennysgaminglife!

I hope you get the amount of vouchers that you want in the upcoming pre-sale :)