Earth, downright Earth! Ironic for a Sustainability advocate, Earth (Splinter) is killing me!
Not just facing the earth splinter, but using the earth splinter as well!
Facing the earth splinter you have a Mylor Cowling that deals reflective melee damage. Then there are tons of monsters that have resistance to magic or magic reflection. Nothing passes through it!
And for using earth splinter, my cards are as good as starter cards. So whenever I see a Weekly Challenge or the Daily Quest revolving around Earth Splinter, I am practically dead meat. Earth Splinter, hands down the Earth Splinter. The only splinter that I am having trouble with
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Using the Splinter - Dragon, because I don't have a lineup for it and it is sometimes not available.
Against the Splinter - Dragon with magic lineup
Maybe it's because of the fact that Earth Splinter have two strong summoners which are Mylor Crawling and Scarred Llama Mage OR the fact that I don't have enough cards on my earth deck which makes me lose much when using the said splinter. Just earlier today, it took me 22 games in total to finish my earth daily quest. I'm trying to be better at it though by slowly buying earth cards and renting multiple earth monsters and summoners.
... for me is water deck ...
and earth deck, sometimes death deck..
also life deck gives me trouble...
the biggest problem is that I don-t have cards or resources to fight against people with 1000 power... so every deck with some cards different to starte ones gives ne truoble.
But I can win if I put them in right order and smart combination 😀
Right now in Gold 2 any splinter quest can be challenging since you start to look pretty predictable when you work on it. Particularly water for me since I dont have any leveled up Alpha/Beta summoners.
To be up against, almost certainly dragon since dragon has some super stacked summoners. Running into a level 3 Archmage Arius with a full team of dragons is generally pretty futile for me.
It's water and mylor. I had a bad time with them, always lost against them. I have just played for a month or so, so this is probably the reason why. I am still a beginner. Over time, that I learnt how to protect against them. When my guess is right about them, I could now beat those two by preparing suitable deck against them. But when I could not anticipate their coming (that my opponent use them) I often lost.
For me it's Water. I always seem to pick the wrong summoner - I pick Alric, they pick Bortus and my weak little magicians get swiftly knocked out. And when I pick Bortus, they have nothing but melee and ranged attackers on their team. So frustrating!
The splinter that hurts the most as a daily quest is Death. I have a go-to deck for every other splinter, but with Death I usually have no idea what to use. Most of my wins have come from guessing right and using Owster at the correct time. I enjoy using a Life Leech Death deck, but I wouldn't say that it's particularly effective if I need to build up to 5 wins.
For New Guy, with Summoners Mylor Crowling, with second place Unicorn Mustang, It totally counter water magic deck and Melee main deck. It only can use range deck, range deck only can attack first and second position, It is a huge risk to use.
thank you. @openit
Now for today's prompt. It's definitely gonna be the earth and I know I'm not alone in this one. It's because they are both overpowered by Mylor and the llama-Kron combo! Hopefully they'll meet their counter once the chaos legion is released.
I struggle in defending against water splinter magic attacks unless I am also fighting with magic. Not sure how to successfully defend against those while also having an effective attack strategy using any other splinter. !PIZZA
It would be death, I'am a water splinter main, most of the monsters i use is mage, the death splinter has the most of mage counter cards, this splinter really is a headache to me.
The Splinter that I have the most trouble with using is Death. I have very few Death cards and they prove difficult to use especially now that I'm in Silver.
I have the hardest time with Earth. Seems like lots of tanks without many sneak, or snipe or much magic. I don't have a Mylor. Thanks for the giveaway. @squishna
Death. Most of the time I get destroyed in one round and maybe once every 20 rounds I manage to beat them. I just haven't been able to find a good combo to break a more built up death deck.
Earth, downright Earth! Ironic for a Sustainability advocate, Earth (Splinter) is killing me!
Not just facing the earth splinter, but using the earth splinter as well!
Facing the earth splinter you have a Mylor Cowling that deals reflective melee damage. Then there are tons of monsters that have resistance to magic or magic reflection. Nothing passes through it!
And for using earth splinter, my cards are as good as starter cards. So whenever I see a Weekly Challenge or the Daily Quest revolving around Earth Splinter, I am practically dead meat. Earth Splinter, hands down the Earth Splinter. The only splinter that I am having trouble with
I think the splinter who gives me more trouble is the fire with Yodin.
I hate using the Life splinter. Try to avoid at all costs.
Other than acquiring Mylor, I can't find a way to make use of this splinter.
in the beginning it was death
but now it's earth
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I do not gave many reflection cards.
I received the SPS reward. Thank you so much.
Using the Splinter - Dragon, because I don't have a lineup for it and it is sometimes not available.
Against the Splinter - Dragon with magic lineup
Maybe it's because of the fact that Earth Splinter have two strong summoners which are Mylor Crawling and Scarred Llama Mage OR the fact that I don't have enough cards on my earth deck which makes me lose much when using the said splinter. Just earlier today, it took me 22 games in total to finish my earth daily quest. I'm trying to be better at it though by slowly buying earth cards and renting multiple earth monsters and summoners.
ign: @rayver0329
Got to be Earth ...
... for me is water deck ...
and earth deck, sometimes death deck..
also life deck gives me trouble...
the biggest problem is that I don-t have cards or resources to fight against people with 1000 power... so every deck with some cards different to starte ones gives ne truoble.
But I can win if I put them in right order and smart combination 😀
Right now in Gold 2 any splinter quest can be challenging since you start to look pretty predictable when you work on it. Particularly water for me since I dont have any leveled up Alpha/Beta summoners.
To be up against, almost certainly dragon since dragon has some super stacked summoners. Running into a level 3 Archmage Arius with a full team of dragons is generally pretty futile for me.
It's water and mylor. I had a bad time with them, always lost against them. I have just played for a month or so, so this is probably the reason why. I am still a beginner. Over time, that I learnt how to protect against them. When my guess is right about them, I could now beat those two by preparing suitable deck against them. But when I could not anticipate their coming (that my opponent use them) I often lost.
For me it's Water. I always seem to pick the wrong summoner - I pick Alric, they pick Bortus and my weak little magicians get swiftly knocked out. And when I pick Bortus, they have nothing but melee and ranged attackers on their team. So frustrating!
Thanks for the giveaway!
The splinter that hurts the most as a daily quest is Death. I have a go-to deck for every other splinter, but with Death I usually have no idea what to use. Most of my wins have come from guessing right and using Owster at the correct time. I enjoy using a Life Leech Death deck, but I wouldn't say that it's particularly effective if I need to build up to 5 wins.

For New Guy, with Summoners Mylor Crowling, with second place Unicorn Mustang, It totally counter water magic deck and Melee main deck. It only can use range deck, range deck only can attack first and second position, It is a huge risk to use.
thank you.
Wow, another 10 SPS!Much appreciated!
Now for today's prompt. It's definitely gonna be the earth and I know I'm not alone in this one. It's because they are both overpowered by Mylor and the llama-Kron combo! Hopefully they'll meet their counter once the chaos legion is released.
Generally I have the most trouble fighting against fire and I have the most trouble playing as Life.
Also skip the life quests....
I struggle in defending against water splinter magic attacks unless I am also fighting with magic. Not sure how to successfully defend against those while also having an effective attack strategy using any other splinter. !PIZZA
Hey Kenny! My biggest trouble is the green deck, with Mylor! Especially when they add Melee Mayhem, that's crazy! Cheers!
It would be death, I'am a water splinter main, most of the monsters i use is mage, the death splinter has the most of mage counter cards, this splinter really is a headache to me.
The Splinter that I have the most trouble with using is Death. I have very few Death cards and they prove difficult to use especially now that I'm in Silver.
Also, thanks for the SPS from the last post! :D
Love to participate in the giveaway.
The answer is earth probably, just because of flesh golem/mitica ... especially when they are leveled up
To win with it is Life!
But to go against it is fire with yodin, don't have cards good enough.
Thank you for this giveaway!
water type. with double magic drain my monster HP fast.
Bortus + Torhilo fixes that real quick :-) Throw in an Axemaster to eat up their monsters.
Earth. @michaeldav
I would have to say Fire for me not really sure why i have problems with it but i just do i just always have problems with fire
Earth! I'm always annoyed when facing against a Mylor or a Llama setup. It's just too hard! @mozzie5
I have the hardest time with Earth. Seems like lots of tanks without many sneak, or snipe or much magic. I don't have a Mylor. Thanks for the giveaway. @squishna
Most trouble fighting is probably earth (Lama and Mylor), most trouble getting a good team earth and death. Also life can be a pain...
Earth, definitely. Especially in my lower league each daily mission with earth splinter is a problem @jdike
Life splinter.
Its the hardest one for from the begining.
dunno its good splinter.. but i usually lose when i use it
Nice Post
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Death. Most of the time I get destroyed in one round and maybe once every 20 rounds I manage to beat them. I just haven't been able to find a good combo to break a more built up death deck.