πŸ† Daily Pack Opening & Giveaway, Ep. 26 πŸ† Opening 50 Rewards Chests! πŸ† Giving away 50 SPS/day until pre-sale! πŸ†

in Splinterlands β€’ 3 years ago (edited)

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Congrats on the Diamond II rewards!

My basic description of Splinterlands is a genuinely fun digital TCG where you can earn assets with real value just by playing. I think most people's interest is piqued by the monetary aspect, so it's easiest to get their attention by telling them what my account is worth versus what I initially invested, but honestly I'd rather talk about the strategy and deckbuilding. That's harder to do effectively without actually demonstrating it for them though.

For me Splinterlands is a lifelong dream come true, I've long thought how awesome it would be if players were compensated for their time and money that they put into the games they loved, and then I found SL and not only did they make my dream a potential reality, but they've gone above and beyond by also giving that community a voice in the future of the project. How cool is that? While I'm not raking in huge sums, YET, the fact that I'm earning anything of some value for my time is surreal. So why not come join me, and by using my referral it'll help me to help you that much more. https://splinterlands.com?ref=sublimjester
Sorry bout the plug on your giveaway post, just had to try new shortcut I found lol.

Anyways, thanks for the time and effort @kennysgaminglife keep it up, might be starting a giveaway of my own...

I describe splinterlands as a great online card game first. I try to talk to my friends who are into other games like MTG and yugioh. I don't want people thinking that they can make money quick. I want to share the game with people who enjoy the game for the game and not the money aspect. So I would just describe it as a great card game with tons of story behind it.

hi Kennysgaminglife,
nice video... and a lot of fun opening all those chests.. I whis I could have opened that much too.

To answer your question, about this next giveaway,,, I would describe Splinterlands to my friends like a beautiful free to play game made with the same logic of Heartstone or Magic the gathering... a card game with very nice graphic and moreover it gives you the pèossibility to approach to the crypto world and earn some money while playing and enjoying it.
What can you desire more than this ? come and join, friends

Thx and let's hope to be the chosen one this time.

Β 3 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

Hi Kenny , for me Splinterlands is the best I could ask for.

Behind me, years of playing MtG, Hearthstone, obscure CCGs (legacy of heroes, kongai, urban rivals off the top of my head) just for the sake of it, as I genuinely love card games. Love the strategy involved, love collecting and love investing in cards, trying to figure which best suit the meta and would appreciate more.

So now with SPL I can have the same fun, and some money on the side to boot, itΒ΄s really the best of both worlds. Have lots of faith on Dev team and long term success, so thatΒ΄s what I usually start with when trying to get other friends into the game.

So my description would be , fun, strategic TCG. Great dev team. Abundant money-making opportunities. All contained within a great network (Hive).

Cheers and !PIZZA

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I like to describe it as a Magic The Gathering that rewards you for playing instead of just sucking out your soul and money and giving nothing back in return. Being a play-to-earn game that rewards you for owning cards and having a good strategy in general (not only in choosing cards, but also on how to use all the available mechanics), it's a game that caters to people who like blockchain gaming (since most of them suck and people just play for the money, giving Splinterlands a huge advantage) and those who like strategy games in general, specially card ones, of course.

What I'd say it's cool about Splinterlands is that if you're patient enough, you can settle for the 10 bucks Spellbook and climb up only with the income from battle prizes and cards you get in chests!

wow 3 digits decs cool.
my description about SL would be the best card/strategy game where u can earn $$$$$

I describe it to my friends as a game that doesnt take too much of your time to play, specially when you are sΓΊper bussy at work, and have like 5 min to chill, just open the browser set a team and carry on whatver You are doing, it's sΓΊper fun because you have to set and strategy and try to guess the enemie's. Oh did i mention that You can actually earn while playing?
IGN: ravelongonis

Well in my country, the idea of play 2 earn model is still quite abstract, as generally we have pay 2 earn models instead. So when describing Splinterlands, it is definitely tougher. Many a times when describing I would end up having to explain what a NFT is as well, along with the other form of cryptos and crypto wallets!

If you haven't tried Splinterlands yet, you should. Unlike your favorite Digital TCG this one lets you actually own the cards.

splinterlands is the best and most exciting game i had ever played. it always get me excited opening those chest daily and end season
ign : lionhead2

for me splinterlands is the best nft i played so far, i earn a lot even if im just an scholar, i earn 50% of what the account gain im using

For me the best of #Splinterlands is that it's a game where you can really #play2earn. You win cryptos, you win amazing cards, you win airdrops, you can win in so many ways, while in other games you even pay to play. Another best part is the community that supports and cares about you and your achievements. By the way, thank you so much for these outstanding giveaways!

Splinterlands to me is the top TCG digital game and even among other nft games out there,I myself a player of video games for over 10 years and never have I experience such game with continues development and still maintaining its steps on a higher rung of a ladder.

its a cutesy version of MtG that you can earn crypto with xD

My favorite "sales pitch" about Splinterlands is so far, it is the only Play 2 Earn game that I have encountered that I am willing to spend money on even without the P2E aspect :)


i don't typically talk about my gaming unless with another steamer in chat. I'm also rare to hype or share, promote games. If i did i would have to say the card retaining there value being one of the biggest things I feel share worthy. @citarre

I'd describe Splinterlands as an interesting concept, obviously nothing new but it does have systems in place to keep in check the economy so it could have a long term sustaining card game, and lets face it people go crazy for cards no matter if it's physical or digital.

Thanks for your giveaway! Please count me in!

My basic description of Splinterlands would be: it's a card game similar to Magic the Gathering, Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh; that means the game is actually fun, not like some NFT games that feels like work. You can also freely trade your cards to other players, as the blockchain guarantees that your cards are actually YOURS.

IGN: @luizeba

Great rewards! As for my 60 chests i pulled a gold foil harklaw.
Anyways, the way i would describe splinterlands would be either "easy money" or "really fun game that gets you hooked and earns you alot without even noticing". The formal is because i started this game on season end day, earning me 9 chests where i pulled a gold foil druid spirit. The latter would be because i've never missed a single day of daily quests so far because the fact that you can earn while playing is so attractive and that makes the game even more addicting. Really hooked to playing this game. Thanks for the giveaway as well!

Hey kenny.. thanks for the SPS ^^, they really help me out!! Gratz on all those reward cards, I hope one day to be able to reach the same leagues as you have.

If I were to describe splinterlands to someone else, like I have (already recruited at least 3 of my friends into this game), I tell them its a trading card game that stores the data on the blockchain, you only have to invest $10 and you can start playing and accumulating cards and cryptocurrency to improve the account and gain more rewards and prizes over time. I tell them its a slow but steady increase on the account's level and profit too. Then I start talking about the strategy, the different splinters, etc etc..

I describe the game mainly as fun and challenging with a small investment where you can make a little money off of. But mainly that it is at the same time easy to understand, has a lot of strategy and surprises (fight rules) and it is fast to play.

Very good for reaching diamond, the chests were more or less. Hopefully they activate the subtitles function for people of different languages.
To answer your question I would describe splinterland as a very good crypto game and quite easy to learn but you have to be careful because it is very easy to exceed your rents.

gg mate! my drop were 7 chests, out of which 5 were venari heatsmiths :D
one of the most appealing selling points of splinterlands is its (transparent) economy system imo (gamification ftw!). things you can learn here may help you doing business in real life :) the creators even explain their thought processes behind. the only piece missing here are their (predictive) excel sheets :D :D ign: dusi. cheers!

The pitch I use to invite friends is I start with comparisons to MTG, Hearthstone, Yu-Gi-Oh! which is free to play but let's you earn as well by unlocking exciting features when getting a spellbook for $10.

Congrats on the rewards!

I see Splinterlands as a fun way to invest, where you can put in some work to also earn. It's not a way to make fast money, but I see it being a good investment down the road.

Thanks for doing these giveaways! It truly means a lot. ign: blueleader03

That's a lot of good cards in your rewards! Congratulations!

About my description of splinterlands, I always think of it as a digital card game with real assets. I'm a fan of card games and played Yu-gi-oh, Pokemon TCG and Duel Masters. I love the fact that even though it is digital, you can REALLY feel that you owned the cards you have and it has real value! Right now I'm planning to gain a voucher so I can buy the Chaos Legion Pack. Your SPS giveaway would be a great help for me. Thank you for your generosity.

ign: @deathfool

I'd say it's pretty similar to Hearthsone or Magic, but everything is online and you have actual ownership of the cards. I say the play-to-earn aspect of it is amazing also but at its core its really just a fun card game to play

I'll describe Splinterlands as a special TCG that lets you play to earn. If you have time you can enjoy watching how a battle goes and at the same time if you know the outcome you may press the button to end the battle animation so it goes immediately to the result, therefore saving time for people who's trying to be efficient..

This is like chess game(it can be played in a form of blitz), in a way that we can speed up the play if you don't want to completely end it right away but wanted to watch the battle.

This is also the first game that I was able to buy my own account after working hard as a scholar of someone.

Well, my favorite thing would have to be making money in the game. How u can rent cards out but I also really enjoy playing the game also. But the way I would sell it to someone would be about how u can earn an income from playing if u stick to it and play the game.

Hey man! First time here! I'd describe Splinterlands as e really fun Card game you have to be careful not to get addicted to! And you earn crypto to play! And collect NFTs!

For me this is game with challenge to my logic, math skills and mindgames,
It's little "unfair" at high levels? baut renting give chances to all.
Earning part is good addition to game.

The way they can win some income meanwhile can have fun (or suffer for the evasion odds lol)

A wise man once said that simplicity is the key and that's what Splinterlands is all about. Unlike the mainstream TCGs like MTG, Pokemon TCG and YGO, Splinterlands cards don't require a wall of text to read, making it much easier to understand. Bonus points because the battle system is played automatically so there's no need for calculations.

ign: rayver0329

It's a card game that would not take too much of your time! And a gacha!

  • Well, all of my friends are kinda the collectors type so I would assume that's my best sales pitch. haha


For me, I would describe it as a fun and challenging game. Although you aren't actively playing the cards there are a lot of splinters that you could use to counter your enemy. It would be a fun way to make little money over time.

Splinterlands is actually fun to play blockchain game unlike many others.

I would describe Splinterlands to my friends like a game like Yu gi oh or Magic The Gathering, but you can earn money playing. @michaeldav

Splinterlands my Friend is like PokΓ©mon cards but digital, simpler, easier, competitive and more fun

I describe Splinterlands to my friends like a my favorite free to play game made with the same logic of Magic the gathering or Heartstone.

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I'm leaving a comment to thank you sir @kennysgaminglife for the SPS. I won't join today's raffle to give chance to others. Thank you again sir!

Congrats on the Diamond II rewards!

Thanks for the 10 sps kenny! :)

thank you for the 10 sps!