Personally i think this is similar to creating an artificial demand for the token. DEC may get to peg sooner but once SPS burn starts and more DEC is printed than demand, it will fall again under the peg. The cycle will keep on continuing. Most of the time DEC will always be under the peg and in high demand seasons, it will come close or above the peg which will enable the flywheel till the demand is diminished.
Better way of using DAO fund would be provide LP for DEC pairs instead of just buying and hold DEC.
Most likely scenarios after proposal passes is everyone trying to buy DEC now and flip it and sell to DAO at higher prices till dao stops buying and DEC fall back to peg again because of no demand.
People may argue that demand is coming with land and other updates but if it is then DEC will go to peg, we don;t need to artificially spend DAO funds!!
Better way of spending DAO funds is where DAO creates demand for burning DEC and give out some rewards in return like burn event. Rewards could be Riftwatchers or Give Out other cryptos. Let it be a competition where everyone fight for rewards and we will burn more dec than DAO is acquiring for same amount of rewards.
That will help the flywheel start earlier and all the SPS DAO owns will be wroth a little more.