Its only been a week since we commemorating the 6th year of Splinterlands,with a lot of updated things has been added into the Splinterlands. There are 2 (two) major things which I would discuss in this post.
The 5th Conflict
Time does fly in Splinterlands and who would thought we already at midway toward the end of the Rebellion War with Cryptic, a Legendary Dual-Splinter Summoner, is on the line.
So far so good, I managed to met the minimum reward chances to guarantee a single reward card of each Conflict event. I managed to beat the chances on the first conflict by claiming 3 (three) Rage. And although I didn't get extra cards (other than the guaranteed one) after several Conflict; I beat the chances again on the last one, Lorkus. Lorkus is also a Legendary Dual-Splinter Summoner, which make Cryptic the second one. We might see more Summoner in the upcoming Conflict.
The optional abilities buff is one thing thats intresting in Lorkus and Cryptic. But beyond that the fixed speed debuff and Blind on Cryptic is a massive buff which worth the 7 mana. Cryptic also pioneered the new ability, Expose, which works very similar to Dispel but affect on protective traits rather than buff which increase parameter. Not only that in the other optional abilities, there's also Enfeeble which decrease the melee attack on each successful strike. Cryptic will surely be a game-changing Summoner.
And now the latest addition on Land assets. The League Of Verico consist of limited title granted to land owners on reaching certain ownership. The title will grant a rewards percentage bonus. Starting from the lowest one, Warden, up to the highest one, Vonarch. Retaining Warden is quite easy, since it only need a possession of minimum 5 lands to retain it. The whitepaper said there is estimated quantity of 2,000 Warden title. Unfortunately there seemed no certain way to keep track if you are still eligible for the title.
Currently I retain the Warden title while keepeing 7 land plots. But since its very easy gain lands (with the current price being depressed), the competition for Warden title might be high in the future time. But moving up to the following title is much more steep. Keep are much much more expensive than ordinary lands. As per this pos writter, the cheapest Keep is listed at USD 900 via PeakMonsters. Fortunately there are only 1,350 in total (150 region x 9 Keep). And since the whitepaper mentioned a total of 1,000 Marshal, there is less competition to gain this title.
The only things which is trackable is the production level of grain and research via Resource Ranking. Here we can see the total production, current production per hour, and the rank compared to other players. This measure useful to track the level to retain Magister, Overseer, and Monarch title. So far I managed to reached Rank 1,382 on research, even if I have halted the research production for some times. This shows that there are still very limited players involved with land claims.
The title prefix is a good way to recognize players who focused on growing the Land. During this bearish market, lands price has been depressed so much which is a great opportunity to hoard some lands. But still we see not much players committed towards lands production. So this title prefix should boost players interest again towards Land.
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