Good day to all Splinterlands player,
After playing of 3 season in this game, I saw one of very useful button that is;
With this button we can see our last season reward.
I would like to suggest to our Splinterlands developers/managers to put also Show Last Daily Rewards so that we can also review our last daily rewards because the current daily reward can only see the countdown timer.
I hope my suggestion will see the developers/manager of Splinterlands.
Thank you and have a good day to all players.
You are able to see your daily reward on peakmonster.
Fill in your username on the website below, select reward, done.
BTW, your suggestion is great, It would make us more easier to check.
Thank you for responding for my suggestion @openit, BTW I check in the peakmonster I saw all of the reward has been claimed but on my own account I did not see.
Thank you
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