Hi everyone! How's things? Really hope you're doing great!
General sale's finally here, we're all super excited waiting for the moment to clear all doubts about how this big release will be!
I'm sure it will meet all the expectations and i feel so happy to participate in what will be my first general sale as i missed previous.
These days are being a bit chaotic with crypto scene falling, sps prize tanking, tournaments and rents in the eye of the storm...and so on...but far from wanting to talk about all this issues, i'd like to share my thoughts on how I face certain hard moments on every Splinterlands player's route.
Under Pressure
I've always tried to stay away from the pressure, I deal with it very well that's not an issue, I have had to keep my mind cool during lots of stages in life and that's trained me to handle it. But doesn't mean i enjoy that feeling.
We tend to make bad decisions under pressure, and as it says on the header...sometimes best thing to do is doing nothing if we are coerced by so many factors.
Splinterlands is more than just a game
It's hard to get distracted from the economical side in Play to Earn games. Most player's motivation is to make money in return out of them and sometimes we sacrifice the fun part because we constantly keep an eye on the markets or any other external factors.
Splinterlands is a skill based game with such an emotional charge.
We feel that emotional pressure on certain stages of the game, maybe we're running on a bad streak, or struggling to break even on rentals, assets to be devaluated under the whim of the markets...so many factors that can take us to an uncomfortable stage.
Beyond all this things, i think is really healthy to have realistic expectations on the economical side of the games, playing Play to Earn has to be a fun experience where we agree to take the risk of our investment to be devaluated.
Crypto it's a frenzied and volatile world, constantly looking at our portfolio can be very stressful.
A beautiful community
One of the biggest values, if not the biggest, in Splinterlands is its community.
Having the support of an awesome community can make us better understand that we are not alone in our problems.
I spend hours and hours in the Discord community, there's members that have gone thru several adversities and they remain confident in the project as first day.
This tough situations have made this community stronger and i never get tired of thanking all the people that has helped me all the way.
I strongly encourage every new player to interact with the others and share their experiences, we're all here to help each other and make this game grow.
Being attached to this community has hardened my thoughts to strongly believe in what i'm doing and keeps me going during hard times.
My Conclusions
Splinterlands has come to stay, taking some time off to relax and organize our thoughts is healthy.
I've been trying to push hard on my mission to become a great player, but being obsessed with it just creates anxiety, and my game wasn't improving under that preasure so i've decided to take a couple days off, nothing to be ashamed of.
My intentions to stay in this project for the very long term remain the same no matter how hard's the path on this journey.
My advice to those who feel the uncertainty during these stages is to share their thoughts with the rest of the members, take a little rest, write and share on blogging plattforms as i do and be confident in what you're doing.
Emerging victorious from these times will reinforce your confidence and just time will say how right we were.
There's amazing stories about how Splinterlands has changed people's lives and i'd love narrate one of them in first person in the future!
Please, some things are just not in our hands...get rid of that pressure and just enjoy playing Splinterlands while we face the problems in this road together.
Once again , thanks for reading, I really wish these lines could help you thru this emotional process and we can come out of it stronger.
Alric on the tournament-planning talk we had a couple days ago, i really do appreciate, things like this create the domino's effect that makes this community so special.
I hope I can pay dinner for you in future Splinterfests : ) , I wish only the best for you! Hugs!Thank you @davemccoy for delegating that
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She gives it all for the community and this game, join her to stay alert of streams, raffles, giveaways and lots of monster love!@clove71 - Splinterlands Lore channel
@sketchygamerguy is always having fun there! giveaways and a fantastic enviroment to spend a great time talking about Splinterlands - 1Up Discord channel
Awesome gaming and curation community, lots of new projects going, definitely a great place to be.
Nice job on your post @kote53 ... I really like seeing your thoughts on the game and your experience! I agree with what you've said and I agree that having fun is one of the most important things you can do in order to eventually make money. I'm happy to delegate you that card and thank you for being part of this awesome community! ps... I would love to have a meet up one day of the whole community and I can take you up on that meal (maybe just an appetizer though! :D
I enjoy so much sharing my experience and trying to help in this community, and that's the legacy i got from you all when i started my journey here. Really hope this can pass from one generation to another when joining and really looking forward for that meeting one day! Hugs!Thank you @davemccoy , but i believe you really deserve the main course as well! : )