Great investigation. Keep it up. I think it's clear by now that : 1.bots are here to stay 2. SL don't give a fuck. So now, what's our response as players ? There's unfortunately not much that can be done. Which make me think.. has SL team stated their position on SL being an investment plaform ? I mean, what in botting is considered gaming ? That's my fear with SL... It turned into an investment first.
I dont see the "extracting value from the game" the issue. Afterall, they paid their spellbook. It's an investment. What what annoys me is stricly the unfair advantage bots have with processing data, having access to databases of match/results. I'm against tool such as splintertools. Think about how silly you'd be in a chess/poker/scrabble game before your every move you'd dig up a reference book which would tell you exactly the best move in a given state. (for ref, I have a master degree in AI, AI players will destroy SL overtime). Who would want to play against you ? It's only profitable now cause a portion of the playerbase don't use the tools and you're winning against those. I don't see why we keep accepting this.