Great video again!
We have yet to see the changes to rewards. I don't really expect renting prices to rise much. It'll all depends on how the botters split the market between themselves. I'm pretty sure they are more organized than players. For instance, most players can't really evaluate the renting price of a card, or CP. They use peakmonster and match the last rented price, or undercutting. Renting is better than not renting right ? Bots owner do it on a larger scale so it's easier for them to manipulate the CP/DEC. If a large botter suspends it's activities for a couple hours, the drop in demand would drop the renting prices to the floor too.
On a sidenote, I was checking on peakmonster explorer bot accounts who transfered packs. I was wondering where the pack came from in the secondary market (hive engine) but couldnt find any. Maybe it's not as bad there as I thought it would be.