A Splinterlands Career (VI)

in Splinterlands4 years ago

So, back from holidays with the batteries somewhat charged (you never have enough holidays, you know…). Anyway, I’ve been playing on and off during this break, but didn’t recorded results, costs or rewards, so today’s numbers will comprise these past days.

I have a Snipe Quest, which should be easy to achieve, I opted for renting Water cards and some Neutrals (which I intend to start buying since I’m always renting some of them… more on that later). Here is the shopping list for today, somewhat cheaper than previous days, at 306 DEC:


I really like Water… there are a couple of monsters that makes life very easy, especially in short mana rounds:


I kept playing until ECR went to 82%... after dust settled, I received 396 DEC, a 90 DEC profit after rental costs. I’m still playing in Silver III, so a nice bunch of chests to open with the following results:


77 DEC, 3 potions and another Charlok Minotaur (my 7th), not a big bounty, but I’ll take it.

As I commented before, I’m ready to make some purchases of my most utilized neutrals. I’m giving some priority to Untamed, Dice and Rewards, since they won’t rotate when Chaos Legion hits, and will be cheaper. Hopefully, I’ll have something to report in next chapter… in the meantime, here’s the state of the account now:


As usual, feel free to ask anything (and upvote, of course). I'm thinking about posting all this stuff in Spanish as well, but I'm not sure if there would be some takers, if you're interested, let me know, por favor !!

Stay safe.