Splinterlands Share Your Battle Challenge: Pirate Captain
This week it's another 3 Mana card, and I'm more than happy to employ the services of the PIRATE CAPTAIN. Not sure what he's doing with that sabre, but his shooting skills are on point since he comes with the Sniper ability.

I'm glad to have the ability to use a low mana cost sniper unit, which is especially useful for fulfilling the requirements for the respective Daily Quest which requires the use of Snipe units.
The battle! Click here for the BATTLE!
Context: Regular Ranked match in Silver I.
Ruleset as follows:
the "Odd Ones Out" (can only play Odd mana cost cards) ruleset lowers the probability that the typical Aldric +1 Magic team is used, since over half of that team is ruled out. All the more reason to use him! He'll only be buffing two of my cards, but the opponent is unlikely to attempt to counter it.
Since magic is unlikely to be used, I employ the very agile Serpent of Eld to great effect as can be seen! This is also a nice opportunity for the card of this week's battle challenge: Pirate Captain. Since magic is unlikely, the opponent is unlikely to use Venari Wavesmith, and I therefore pair the Pirate Captain together with Sniping Narwahl to eliminate the opponent's backline with great efficiency.
This 3 mana unit actually claimed a kill. What a guy! I'll definitely be on the lookout for him, and it seems that at level 6 he becomes even more special...
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It's not every day you see a Pirate and a Narwahl working together, is it?
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Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121