During the Last season of Splinterland, players had been complaining because of BOTS. according to other players who experienced the longest losing streaks of up to 18 Losing streaks. can you imagine that loses? its 18! and it was so very frustrating for sure.
well i blog this issue to at raise awareness, and also to help other players who are most of the time beating the bots
But how does bots work for Splinterland game?
A Splinterland game bot is an automated program that plays a given game on behalf of a human player. Game bots can earn much more game money/ DEC (Darck Energy Crystal) and items than human users because the former can play without requiring a break. Game bots also disturb human users because they consistently consume game resources.
For instance, game bots defeat all Splinter Summoners or monsters quite rapidly and harvest items, such as DEC Rewards and Points system, before human users have an opportunity to harvest them. Accordingly, game bots cause complaints from human users and damage the reputation of the Splinter gamers/. Furthermore, game bots can cause inflation in a game’s economy and shorten the game’s lifecycle, which defeats the purpose for which game companies develop such games
Splinterland game servers generate event logs whenever users perform actions such as Renting capacity, Winning Frequency, Losing Streaks. and other behavioral patterns like changing the summoners, or monsters,Hence, these in-game logs facilitate data analysis as a possible method for detecting players. and the system detects or analyze gamers pattern, this data is enough to counter attact players with the highest winning probability. this will trigger events such as/. timers. or deck of card analysis and algorithmic winning chances.
to have a better chance of winning heres the posible list that we can advice to all SPlinterland PLayers
- a 2 Minutes Break pattern after Losing a match
- A 60 Seconds Interval Break after Winning a match
- Analyze the Oppponents History Deck of cards before chosing summoners
- Read The Rules, this is very important before you begin the Match
- this will help you better choose your summoners. and specific monster that can do the task despite the rules Given
Becaus if a SplinterlandA bot is a software application or an actice code running and embeded into the system .that is programmed to do certain tasks.
which means they run according to their instructions without a human user needing to manually start them up every time. Bots often imitate or replace a human user's behavior.
where are BOTS, who knows,I cant see them