Click here to watch the battle on Splinterlands

This was a fun battle because Earth is my absolute favorite element and Wood Nymph has tank heal which is one of my fav abilities.
Here's her stats:
Edition: REWARD
Rarity: COMMON
Element: EARTH
Attack: MAGIC
Abilities: Tank Heal at Lvl 1/Strengthen at Lvl 6
I never noticed until today how scandalous her outfit is. She's ready for a good time! 🔥🔥
I only had a level 1 Wood Nymph but she still did the job, even with low health, attack, and speed.
Here's my lineup:
Ahhhh Mylor, he'll always hold a special place in my heart. Thorns is such a killer ability. Enough said.
Minotaur Warlord whooped up on the other team with his reflect, return fire, and blast. Minotaur is one of my absolute favorite cards.
Spirit Shaman didn't do much in this battle. The silence debuff and void meant that his attacks just bounced right off Flesh Golem.
Queen Mycelia is a hell of a card. At first glance it may have looked like she didn't do much in this battle but she gave all of my monsters an additional 2 armor with her protect ability AND she increased thorns, magic reflect and return fire damage. There's a reason she's one of the priciest CL legendaries.
And now for the star of the show: Dr. Blight singlehandedly took out Flesh Golem with his affliction and poison!! He was a pricey addition but I use him in almost every single battle.
I'm so glad I put Hunter Jarx in. His snipe ability took out the opponent's Wood Nymph in the first round!
To wrap up, would I use wood nymph again? Absolutely!
Do I want her at a higher level? Hell yes I do!
Click here to follow me on Twitch where I stream Splinterlands battles.
▶️ 3Speak
Thanks for sharing! - @lenonmc21

I can see that you model very well, but I would like to see you write a little more about your battle strategy.