Hello people, ultra noob here.
I'm currently stuck on Bronze II League even with renting cards, so I ended up conviced I should try my chances with some chests. Who knows, maybe I can get some bigger rewards than the money I spent, huh? Maybe I'll finally leave the goddamned black hole that is called Bronze League!
For those of you who don't know, the market has Quest Potions you can buy for $0.75 or 750 DEC each. Of course, buying them with DEC now is unthinkable, as DEC price is going between 6x and 8x times what it used to be when they decided on that price, so if you do want to try your luck as well, buy them with credits to save some money.
Anyways, I bought the 10-charge pack with gives me 1 extra free one. Each potion gives me +5 chests in daily quest rewards, so I'm getting 6 chests each day until my potions run out.
How is that faring so far? Let's take a look:
-1 card worth $0.58
-13 DEC currently worth $0.08
-4 potions worth $0.18 in total
So that's $0.84 for the day! $0.09 more than what I paid for that potion. A bit of profit, even if not too much.
- 1 card worth $0.23
- 1 card worth $0.21
- 21 DEC worth about $0.13
- 2 potions worth $0.08 in total
So that's $0.65 for day 2, which is $0.10 worse than what I paid for. Luck was not on my side today.
Maybe I should discount 1 chest because it was from the daily and not the potion anyways, but how would I choose which reward to disconsider? I've no idea. Anyways, let's just pretend it all came from the potions or else I'll be sad thinking about how they didn't pay off so far.
By summing yesterday's profit with today's loss, I'm at a loss of $0,01 at best. Will the next 9 days be able to take me away from this disastrous bad luck? Stay tuned!
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