My First Win Against Nidhoggr - Why You Shouldn't Play Against Rulesets

in Splinterlandsyesterday

A Powerful Dragon Summoner

Nidhoggr is the last card that can be obtained through Conflicts. He is a legendary dragon summoner. He lowers the opponent team's defense and health as well as reducing the maximum team size by one. He can give Blast and Deathblow abilities to three units in your team or +2 speed and Execute ability.

On the other hand, he is very costly to use needing 10 mana. So it's optimal to use him in high mana battles where reducing the enemy team by 1 can be crucial.

My Battle Against Nidhoggr

In the following battle, the ruleset includes Counterspell (Monsters have the magic reflect ability) and is only capped at 27 mana.

My Team

Since magic units will unlikely be used, I picked the Water Splinter led by Commander Slade. He is a powerful tank but is rather weak against magic. Making up the rest of the team are strong damage dealers while Commander Slade does his job tanking.

Opponent's Team

My opponent has max level units. However, his team composition is not optimal for the ruleset. First his summoner although powerful costs 10 mana. That means he only has 17 mana left for his units. I think the team he picked although max level are weaker than mine because he compromised with his summoner. In the first position he has a zero mana card with low health. This will surely be eliminated easily. In second position he has a somewhat decent damage dealer but hardly a match against Commander Slade who will bob and weave against it's attacks. Worse, his main damage dealer is Djinn Renova whose damage will be reflected. Coupled with Burst ability, it means that Djinn Renova's attack will be reflected twice!

The Battle

My opponent's first and second positions were eliminated rather easily. His Djinn Renova is a strong damage dealer. However, the Counterspell ruleset worked against her as the damage was reflected and she basically eliminated herself. The many concessions my opponent made cost him the battle this time.

link to battle:

Final Thoughts

Having the stronger and more powerful cards do not guarantee victory. If we play against the ruleset or if we don't field the optimal team in battle then we give our opponent the advantage. Do not play against the ruleset too much--even if you have a legendary Dragon by your side.

Thank you for reading and have fun playing Splinterlands!


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