Splinterlands : Game Rewards

in Splinterlands4 years ago (edited)



Hello all @Splinterlands players, with me @lord.rimuru88 here. Today i'm going to list all the Rewards in playing #Splinterlands. Because there is not much information in game for Newbies, and i've checked the Leagues Detail in-game, only information about Seasons Reward Chests is exist. I tried to check the FAQ page, the How to Play section, and the blog, and still can't find the complete information of rewards, especially for newbie like me.

So, i gathered all the informations and make this blog for all of you, especially for newbies who wants to know about all the rewards in #Splinterlands game. Here we go!

Ranked/Game Play

  • Each time you win a game in Ranked play mode you will earn DEC.
  • Additionally, if you win two or more games in a row, you will receive bonus DEC for being on a win streak.

Ranked/Season Play

  • Every 15 days you will receive end of season reward chests. The number of chests you will receive depends on the highest league you touched during that particular season.
  • The reward chest will drop the following rewards
    • Reward Cards - 33%
    • DEC - 33%
    • Legendary Potions - 16.5%
    • Alchemy Potions - 16.5%
    • Booster Pack (old system), Exchanged by 2000 DEC (now)- 1%

Daily Quests

  • On the Battle screen you will see information about your current daily quest.
  • You receive a random quest every 24 hours.
  • Each time you win a game using the Splinter mentioned in your quest, your quest progress bar will increase.
  • Once you have won the 5 games using the Splinter mentioned in your quest (3 in case of "No Neutral Quest"), a button will become active that allows you to claim your rewards.
  • Additionally you can request a new quest if you do not like the quest you were given, however this can only be done once per day.
  • Please note that the Summoner used in the battle must be from the Splinter specified in your quest for the battle to count towards your quest progress. Using a Dragon Summoner with Monsters from your quest Splinter will not count.
    The reward chest will drop the following rewards
  • The reward chest will drop the following rewards
    • Reward Cards - 33%
    • DEC - 33%
    • Legendary Potions - 16.5%
    • Alchemy Potions - 16.5%
    • Booster Pack (old system), Exchanged by 2000 DEC (now)- 1%


Season Rewards
Daily Rewards
0 Chest
1 Chest
Bronze III
5 Chests
1 Chest
Bronze II
7 Chests
1 Chest
Bronze I
9 Chests
1 Chest
Silver III
12 Chests
2 Chests
Silver II
15 Chests
3 Chests
Silver I
18 Chests
4 Chests
Gold III
22 Chests
5 Chests
Gold II
26 Chests
7 Chests
Gold I
30 Chests
8 Chests
Diamond III
40 Chests
10 Chests
Diamond II
50 Chests
12 Chests
Diamond I
60 Chests
14 Chests
Champion III
80 Chests
16 Chests
Champion II
120 Chests
18 Chests
Champion I
150 Chests
20 Chests

SPS Airdrops

You can get SPS Airdrops as rewards for 365 days (currently day 19 of 365 when i write this blog) from :

  • Hive Asset Rewards:
    • Collection Power
    • DEC (Dark Energy Crystals)
    • DEC Liquidity Pools
    • Card Packs
    • Land Plots
    • Champion Points
    • SPT (Splintertalk Tokens)
    • Card Skins
    • Totems
    • Titles
  • Binance Smart Chain Asset Rewards
  • WAX Asset Rewards
  • Ethereum Asset Rewards
  • STEEM Asset Rewards
  • TRON Asset Rewards


Best Regards,

-- Thank You -- Gracias -- Terima Kasih --


udah banyak iih yang nulisa dalam bahsa inggris, kamu nulisnya dalam bahasa indonesia aja...apalgai kamu tidak menyertakan link ke sumber bacaan dan situs dimana sumber informasi ini berasal, nanti dicap plagiasi pulak kan?

Maaf yaa cici, saya masih belum terlalu paham tentang splintertalks. Saya tidak tahu kalau sudah banyak versi inggrisnya yang buat,masih awam nulis disini, dan saya buatnya juga sendiri dengan cari beberapa sumber termasuk dari in-game nya juga.. untuk sumbernya lain kali saya akan tuliskan lagi.. terima kasih arahannya :)