This week I brought one of my recent Brawl battle, where the mana cap was 99, which is amazing! I need to be very careful what to bring for this battle, because almost 'all' the monsters were available for this battle! π
Hope you will enjoy the battle like I did! π

Ruleset | Description |
Deflection Field | All Monsters have the Deflect ability. |
Equal Opportunity | All Monsters have the Opportunity ability. |
Up Close and Personal | Only Monsters with Melee attack may be used in battles. |
The mana cap was 99, which is almost the maximum you can get in the game, so it is quite enough to pick any monster I want, so I had to bring the most expensive ones in order to have a chance against my opponent! I managed to choose 62 mana cost of monsters out of the 99, but I didn't use any Dragon monster in my team whom are the most expensive ones. π
The Deflection Field ruleset will give the Deflect ability to all the monsters on the battlefield, so none of the monsters were able to get any indirect damage from their opponent, such as Blast or Reflected damages.
The Equal Opportunity is one of the best and most trickiest ruleset in the game, because it allows all the Melee attack mosnters on each side of the battle to target the lowest Health monster from the opposite team. π€
Usually I do not really like the Up Close and Personal ruleset, because it only allows the use of the Melee attack monsters, but this time it is not relevant, because the Equal Opportunity ruleset will give the ability for them to use their attack from the back of my lineup. π
Possibilus the Wise

Possibilus the Wise cost 6 mana as a Summoner, which is almost the most expensive in the game, but right now I do not need to worry about that! In return he has three ability to give it to his monsters. He will increase the Health of all of his friendly monsters by two and he also gives the Reach ability to them as well, which means that all the Melee attack monsters in my team were able to attack from the second position to their tank. The Trample ability will provide an extra attack to his Melee attack monsters in case they kill an enemy monster and their will be a monster behind them. π

The Diemonshark is an excellent tank and cost 8 mana, but he has a huge amount of Speed and two Melee attack, but almost none of the monster will attack him at first, because of the Equal Opportunity ruleset. π
Coastal Sentry

The Coastal Sentry is quite expensive, because she cost 10 mana. She has +3 Melee attack damage, which wouldn't be so high on its own, but she also has the Double Strike ability, which means that she will be able to attack twice in every round. On top of that if she utilizes her Trample ability she will be able to get an extra attack to the monster behind her target. π
Djinn Oshannus

The Djinn Oshannus is one of the best monster in this game and most of the time I use him in the second position of my lineup, but this time it doesn't really matter, because all the monsters will attack the lowest Health monster except the tank who will attack their counterpart. He is well protected against the Magic attack monsters thanks to his Void ability and he has decent amount of Health as well. π
Commander Slade

Commander Slade was a very obvious choice as a damage dealer, because he has quite a lot of Melee attack, amazing Speed and loads of Armor and Health, so he might be able to sustain quite a lot of incoming damage and that is why he cost exactly 10 mana. π
The Disintegrator

The Disintegrator has a very important role in this battle and most of the enemy monsters want him dead as quick as possible, because he has a very important ability, which is essential for this battle and that is the Demoralize, which will allow him to reduce the Melee attack of the enemy monsters by one. π€
Relenor Cleaver

Relenor Cleaver is a Gladiator monster and such I was able to bring him into this fight, because this was a Brawl battle. He cost 'only' nine mana, but his stats and his Bloodlust ability is amazing. Only his Speed is a bit low, but if he manages to kill his first target he will be able increase all of his stats by one making him stronger and stronger until the end of the battle. πͺ
Arkemis the Bear

Arkemis the Bear is an amazing monster, because he has a lot of Health and he has quite a good Melee attack damage, but more importantly he has the Protect ability, which will give +2 Armor to all of his friendly mosnters as long as he is alive. π

My opponent brought the Helios Matriarch Summoner who belongs to the Dragon Splinter, so she will be able to pick any Splinter and also the Dragon monsters to build up her team, which is pretty insane. She gives +1 Speed to her monsters and she is also able to pick one additional Gladiator into this battle if my opponent decides to bring any. π
In the first round all of the enemy monsters started attacking my Coastal Sentry, because she has only eight Health, but luckily she has quite a good Speed, so she managed to kill their Tatiana from the back of their backline with her Double Strike attack.
She also received more attack in the rest of the round and my opponent monsters were able to kill her by the end of the round. π
In the second round they started attacking my second lowest Health monster, which was the Disintegrator and unfortunately they managed to kill him and this was quite bad, because they got back their lost Melee attack.
Luckily my team also killed their Drybone Raider, but we were still behind losing mosnters. The only good thing was that the killer was my Relenor, which means that he was able to activate his ability to get one stats permanently. π€
In hte third round my team killed their Djinn Chwala and the Deflection Field ruleset helped my team a lot not to take any damage from his Thorns ability.
In the fourth round I lost my Diemonshark, so our powers were still quite equal, but in the fifth round my Relenor killed their tank and further boosted his stats and even got a free attack. π
In the sixth and seventh round I still had three powerful monsters and my opponent couldn't deal enough damage to kill even one, so my team easily win this battle for me and for my guild. π
I like to help new players π, so if you are just starting this game and you can use my referral link to sign-up and also write me a message on Discord (LordDiablooo#3750), so I will send you 100 DEC and few key cards (delegated for an entire season) to kick off your career in Splinterlands. π
If you would like to use some of my dividers I have created for your blog feel free to use them following this link. π
I hope it was informative and you liked it. π€
Well written, thanks for sharing!
Thanks a lot for your comment it means a lot! π