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RE: Wanted: Non-Botting Bronze and Silver Wild Players

in Splinterlands10 months ago (edited)

IGN? lost-my-keys

When? Joined in Dec 2021, pretty much the peak of the last bull run

Why? Bit of an odd story mine, i'm not even really a gamer (well not since i left school 20 years ago!) Ended up buying some SPS when I fomo'd into a few random crypto's amongst all the hype of late 2021, then watched as everything I bought tumbled down in price over the next few months. I figured I would check out what SPL was (i had to google what TCG meant!!!), in an attempt to get something out of my investment into SPS (i bought in around $0.12). Have played daily ever since Jan 22 and managed to get my cost basis under $0.05 now without buying any more SPS (mainly through staking, ranked rewards and tournaments)

Previous League? Until the recent changed I played in Modern Silver 1 and whilst i never made leader board i would always finish in the top 100, think my best was top 40. Now i dont really play much modern due to the mis-match in decks I face, though i do try and at least get into Silver 3, in the hope that i can return soon and avoid having to grind out of Bronze completely. I'm currently playing manually in wild (i dont believe in botting) and whilst i enjoy it to a point, i dont really want to be playing there as i dont have the deck for it, despite hitting Champ3 most seasons. Thats more a reflection on the low level bots than my ability!

SPS? Every single SPS i earn is staked, as i said above i started playing and my focus was on getting my cost basis down. In doing so i fell in love with the game. I flip the odd amount into DEC to rent a few key cards i cant afford, or to try out new ones before i buy them. My wild multiplier is very low, around 3.5x as i'm not set up to play in Champ3, my 'level' is silver as this reflects my budget and invest (i spend between $50-100 p/m on cards) My modern silver multiplier is over 10x. I dont rent any SPS as i dont like the recurring costs

My Deck? I own 99% of the cards i have, renting about 4-5 key ones i havent bought yet. I'm currently focused on key RB cards im missing like Venka, Rage etc and i dont have any of the summoners other than Akane (hes a lot of fun i find!). I have bought a few cheap untamed cards recently that i missed playing when they moved out of modern but my focus is still 99% on modern RB cards and upgrading my RW collection which is mostly bronze still.

Rewards? I track my season rewards on a spreadsheet and used to earn around 120 SPS per season and 75 BCX of cards, mostly commons obviously. I averaged 1 legendary every other season and 3 Epics. Now i just track my EOS glint which is about 35k so far. I spend this on 1 legendary, 1 Epic, 2k merits and the remainder on rares for the summoners. Whilst my rewards have dropped a lot, i do actually prefer the control and choice over what to spend the glint on, though i do feel the prices in the store are too high.

Season Fee? If the new cost to play in wild is implemented i would definitely move back to modern, though i would really want them to implement the league structure back in place if this happens. Its not much fun getting smashed by max decks. I know the counter argument is to buy CL as its cheap, but i dont feel that's a fair expectation and once it rotates out there is no way i could keep that level of a deck going with the cost of RB or future sets. As other comments have said, silver is my place... id like my place back!

Generally... I'm still a big fan of SPL and dont see myself leaving, i play most days, focusing on glint earning, tournaments and brawls. I will never bot, i would rather liquidate if playing becomes too costly / no fun. I hope we can get to a place where we respect and value all levels of players in the game.
As a side note i would also like to see a fairer conflicts system implemented, as the current one isn't rewarding unless you have a large invest RB cards. I have 3 wagons and around 6-7 silver level leg cards staked, but still im no where near the requirement for any airdrops and haven't pulled a single one yet which is disappointing given my (moderate) investment into RB cards. Maybe an SPS staking boost, or increased multiplier based on power staked in wagons would make this feel more rewarding and make me want to keep working on my wagons.