Splinterlands Art Contest Week 163: Byzantinist Housekitty

in Splinterlands3 years ago (edited)

Art Contest Week 159 (1).png

I will preface this by saying that I am absolutely NOT an artist. I enjoy drawing with my kids, who are much better artists than I could ever dream of being! I may not be talented at art, but I do have a very dear love for Byzantine Kitty, my favorite card ever. As anyone who knows me knows, Kitty has a special place in my heart, and I yearn for the day that I am finally able to buy her! After a wicked losing streak after the end of season, I decided to take a much needed break to do some art with my kids. (And to let my ECR recover!) I wanted to capture the essence of Kitty, the sweetness and fluffiness. I decided to draw her as a house-cat instead of a winged cat. (Mostly because I didn't think I could do the wings justice! lol) I think I did an alright job!

I started out by sketching a rough drawing of Kitty with a pencil.


Then, I started to fill the drawing in with oil pastels. I was hoping to capture the fluffiness of her fur with the oil pastels, which are really nice for showing texture and blending colors.


I wasn't able to capture the stars in her eyes, but that's ok! I'm pretty happy with how her sweet face turned out. I continued to fill in the colors, at which point I seriously messed up the tail!


As you can see, the tail looks terrible! But as my favorite artist, Bob Ross, would say, it was a "happy little accident." I decided to disguise the damaged tail by making a colorful background! (Sorry, no happy little trees!)


Its not perfect, but it is sweet and I poured my heart into it! I hope that you all enjoy seeing my sweet little Byzantine Housekitty. <3


This post and this artwork is KITTY APPROVED!!!

Awww thanks byzantinist! That means a lot. <3

I need show that art to Byz :D

Awww thank you atnazo!!! <3 Much love my friend.

Thart's so sweeet Luthien :D
Love the "happy little accident" ;)

Great art Mommy! <3 <3

Thank you anak!

Great seeing you enter. One can really see that you gave this your best and it is awesome that you enter although drawing is not your best discipline. Good job 👌

Here, have a !LOL token as reward

Thank you! It was fun to do. :)

Show me a piano falling down a mineshaft...
And I'll show you A-flat minor.

@luthien12, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @btcsam
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (4/4)

That's wonderful art!

Yeah you have right!

Thank you so much!

Thanks for sharing! - castleberry#6859

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