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Another week another challenge to win!
This weeks theme card is ”THE NERISSA TRIDAWN”. She’s a pretty one isn’t she?
I didn’t own this card so I went over to rent one as I was determined to win this challenge.
Nerissa Tridawn is a proud warrior of the water. Armed with her enchanted trident, she defends the seas, the rivers, and the lakes. Nerissa is well known across coastal villages, and they often call on her for help. She has slain great sea beasts that would otherwise kill everyone in their path. She has rescued sailors from hurricanes, and even warned villages of incoming tsunamis to help save lives. Her bravery and brilliance in battle have led to her being called “Nerissa the Hurricane”.
Nerissa was born and raised by the ocean, and she could swim before she could walk. She always felt the sea called to her. And within her it stirred a deep magic. An ancient mana of tides and waves. Nerissa answered the call, and travels between the continents of the Splinterlands.
When settlers and explorers made their way to Praetoria, Nerissa was there to help with every step of the journey. But the blight that gripped the land worried her deeply. Its corruption spread into the waters that she loved so dearly. She often caught herself crossing paths with Igor the Finback and his tribe of Trench Dwellers. Each time she had to pull back or risk all of them attacking her at once.
When Nerissa learned of the deeper plot of the Chaos Legion, she vowed to defend Praetoria and its inhabitants with her life.
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- In level one, it has x3 Magic attack up until level three. In levels four and five it’s x4 and finally in level six it’s x5
- This card has no armors
- It has nine health points in level one. Ten in levels two to four and eleven in levels five and six
- It possesses x2 speed in levels one and two. It increases to x3 in level three to six
- This card has no abilities
Now let’s build our team!
Mana Cap given = 23
Battle Rules = Standard
My Splint | Enemy’s Splint |
Water | Dragon |
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Name | Kelya Frendul |
Mana cost | Five |
Splint | Water |
Edition | Chaos Legion |
Rarity | Rare |
Buff | +1 armor, +1 speed |
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Name | Djinn Oshannus |
Mana Cost | Eight |
Splint | Water |
Edition | Chaos Legion |
Rarity | Legendary |
Attack | x2 Magic Attack |
Speed | x5 |
Health | Ten |
Ability | Void |
image is a screenshot
Name | Nerissa Tridawn |
Mana cost | Nine |
Splint | Water |
Edition | Chaos Legion |
Rarity | Epic |
Attack | x3 Magic attack |
Speed | x2 |
Health | Nine |
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Name | Ice Pixie |
Mana cost | Two |
Splint | Water |
Edition | Untamed |
Rarity | Rare |
Attack | x1 Magic attack |
Speed | x3 |
Health | One |
Ability | Flying |
Looks like my little but not so little team was ready for battle. Surprisingly they all had magic attacks.
My Enemy’s Lineup
Splint | Dragon |
Summoner | Drake of Arnak |
Monster one | Cursed Windeku |
Monster two | Xenith Archer |
Monster three | Chaos agent |
Monster four | Life sapper |
Monster five | Silent sha-vi |
Monster six | Undead badger |
Wow my enemy really utilized his mana cap but nevertheless I used the quote “quality over quantity” to console myself.
image is a screenshot
- Both summoners used their buff to buff-up their team mates
- As the first in command, Djinn Oshannus blasts Cursed Windeku and takes away some health points
- Ice pixie follows suit and blasts Cursed Windeku again
- Nerissa Tridawn wasn’t just going to let her teammates fight alone. She joins in the battle as she hits Cursed Windeku again!
- The Enemy’s team was furious now. Cursed Windeku had gotten enough and decided to hit back at Djinn Oshannus but poor Cursed Windeku, Djinn Oshannus was unfazed by the attack
- The undead badger had to defend its team mate as well so he attacked the ice pixie
- Silent sha-vi targets my weak ice pixie and strikes at her. This kills ice pixie! Now the first blood has been drawn.
- Seems like the Enemy is still furious. Life sapper blasts Djinn Oshannus but it just bit off more than it could chew
- Xenith Archer still strikes Djinn Oshannus but it was fruitless. Seems like everyone is out for this particular card.
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- This was my time to shine. Djinn Oshannus blasts cursed Windeku and inflicts harm
- Nerissa Tridawn was determined to avenge Ice pixie so she blasts Cursed Windeku and finishes it off. That’s one enemy down!
- The undead badger hits Nerissa Tridawn and ends up removing just an armor
- Silent sha-vi follows suit by hitting Nerissa Tridawn but my card is much stronger than their attacks
- Life sapper decides to join the fun and take a shot at Djinn Oshannus but sadly for it, Djinn is unharmed
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- Djinn Oshannus blasts Xenith Archer and completely kills off the card
- Nerissa Tridawn as supportive as she decides to follow suite and blasts Chaos agent which completely kills the card as well. My team is on a roll here!
- Silent sha-vi takes a shot a Nerissa Tridawn, so does the undead badger
- Life sapper blasts Djinn Oshannus but the card is unfazed. Does the life sapper ever learn? Try picking on something your own size.
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- My team mates weren’t going to have this! Djinn blasts the life sapper which kills it. That’ll teach them!
- Nerissa takes a shot at silent sha-vi and the undead badger thought it was wise to return the shot while silent sha-vi took a hit at Djinn Oshannus
image is a screenshot
Time to finish this
- Djinn Oshannus blasts Silent sha-vi and kills the card
- Nerissa Tridawn does the honors and takes a single and final shot at the undead badger. The enemy has been defeated!
Did I say we were on a roll? Change that to a killing spree!
Below is a link to this awesome battle:
Nerissa Tridawn was such a great addition to my team. She worked cleverly and effortlessly while she striked strategically.
Rent this card and share your battle with it. I can’t wait to read all about it.
Thanks for reading! See you next week
All screenshots used in this post were gotten from the Splinterlands website
Thank you