Magalli's "BATTLE MAGE SECRETS Weekly Challenge!" FIRE & REGRET

in Splinterlands2 years ago

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This week, for the "Battle Mage Secrets Challenge" I will write about the Fire & Regret Battle Rule:

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As you can read with this Rule all the Monsters receive the Return Fire ability:

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As always, to counter this type of ability the Reflection Shield ability is really helpful:

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And obviously, the Amplify ability increases the damage back:

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So, when this Battle Rule is active is better to avoid using Monsters with Ranged attacks, even if they are really strong:

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All these three Monsters would receive damage back for every time they hit the Opponent's Monsters, not really good considering their relatively low health stat.

Basically, this rule allows you to use Ranged Attack Monsters but with a malus, a nice idea could be to use Monsters with the Martyr ability to speed up their death and quickly take advantage of their boost:

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Another good strategy is taking advantage of the "pieces of information" that this Battle Rule gives us:

  • Probably the Opponent will not deploy Ranged Attack Monsters.
  • The Opponent should focus on Melee Attack and Magic Attack Monsters.


Now that we finished the intro to this Battle Rule, let's see my battle:

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As you can see besides the Fire & Regret Rule there's the What doesn't kill you Rule:

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With this rule all the hit Melee Attack Monsters gain an important boost after being hit, so it should be a nice move to use a Melee Attack Tank with a high Health stat to take advantage of this Rule.

Both I and my Opponent chose to use the Death Summoner, probably the better choice because:

  • The Magic Attacks are debuffed.
  • The Tank has high Health stat and no armor, so it can take advantage of the What doesn't kill you Rule.
  • The Cursed Windeku has the Thorns ability, which is a nice counter to all Melee Attack Monsters.

The difference between my lineup and my Opponent's lineup is that I chose to only use Melee Attack Monsters, while my Opponent went for a mix of Melee, Ranged, and Magic attack Monsters.

My Monsters:

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The Cursed Windeku is the Tank, the Arachne Thug thanks to its Reach ability is able to attack from the second line and the Silent Sha-Vi thanks to its Sneak ability can decimate the Opponent's second line.

The Corpse Fiend is just bait in case my Opponent deployed Monsters with the Sneak or Opportunity ability.

My Opponent's Monsters:

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Behind the Cursed Windeku my Opponent chose two Magic attack Monsters with the Life Leech ability and the Ravenhood Warden that thanks to its Protect ability gives a +2 buff in Armor to all its team.

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In theory, thanks to the Ravenhood Warden protection my Opponent's Monsters with the Leech Life ability should gain enough health to resist and win the match...unfortunately (for my Opponent) with the Fire & Regret Rule and the attacks of the Silent Sha-Vi the buff in Armor stat didn't last long:

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And, after my Opponent's Monsters were unprotected I won at the end of the second round:

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Final Considerations: my Opponent's strategy wouldn't be bad, giving a nice +2 buff in Armor to all its Monsters while hitting mine with Magic attacks, but it didn't consider the Fire & Regret rule, so its Monsters died before they could seriously damage mine.
Furthermore, with the What doesn't kill you rule, receiving damage can be really helpful for the Tank because it will receive nice buffs, and the Armor can be counterproductive because it slows down the process.

Best regards,

P.S. My referral link is:

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Thanks for sharing! - @mango-juice