Magalli's "BATTLE MAGE SECRETS Weekly Challenge!" MELEE MAYHEM

in Splinterlands2 years ago


After a couple of months of absence (I had a lot of work and a lot of study to do), I'm back for a new Battle Mage Secrets Challenge! This time I will talk about the battle rule Melee Mayhem:



This rule allows all the Melee Attack Monsters to attack from any position, and the advice is to give priority to the Monsters with the Bloodlust ability:

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It is a piece of quite nice advice, but I only partially agree with that, because in my opinion better than the Monsters with the Bloodlust ability with this Battle Rule we should try to deploy Monsters with two different types of attacks:


In this way deploying those Monsters in the second lines, we will gain one extra attack (2 extra attacks in the case of the Drybone Rider).

Obviously, the Quora Towershead is confirmed to be one of the best cards in this game combining the double attack and the Bloodlust ability.

Another great combo is to use a Monster with Melee Attack and the Weapons Training ability in the middle of two Monsters with no attack:


So all those Monsters would be able to attack while they use their support ability, I deepen into this argument here if you are interested.

Another important thing that we know when there's this Battle Rule is that we can try to predict our Opponent's moves, in fact, we would expect an extended deploying of Melee Attack Monsters, and we can take some countermeasures:

  • Using Monsters with the Protect ability to increase the Armor stat of our Monsters.

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  • Using Monsters with the Thorns ability or, better, the Mylor Crowley Summoner that gives the aforementioned ability to all the Monsters.

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One last thing, with this Battle Rule you are allowed to use non-Melee attack Monsters, so when you prepare your deck and choose the Monsters to deploy, always take it in mind, that the Opponent could choose a full Magic attack deck, trying to surprise you, for example.


So now that the intro to the Battle Rule is over, let's see my battle:



It is a Brawl Battle, so there are three Battle Rules:

  • Melee Mayhem
  • Even Stevens: Only units with even mana costs may be used.
  • Silenced Summoners: Summoners do not give any buffs/debuffs or grant/use abilities.

The Even Stevens Battle Rule simply doesn't allow us to deploy Monsters with an odd Mana cost, and the Silenced Summoners one removes any buff/debuff given by the Summoner, when there's this rule, I like to use Monsters able to "replace" the Summoner's task that gives buffs to my team or debuffs to my Opponent's:



As you can notice from the Battle's screenshot I deployed the Time Mage to have an advantage on Speed and the Djinn Chwala as a first-liner to take advantage of its Thornes ability, then, I deployed the Drybone Rider to take advantage of its quadruple attack, and, to prevent the case where my Opponent chooses to protect its Monsters with Armor I deployed a nice number of Magic attack Monsters, in the last line I deployed the Time Maddler because thanks to its Dodge ability (Increased chances by 25% of evading melee or ranged attacks.) and the nice Armor stat it could resist to eventual Opponent's Monsters with the Sneak ability able to Attack my Monster in the last spot.

My Opponent chose a similar strategy, and it risked a little bit more, deploying low Health stat Monsters in the last positions, but I think it was confident that the majority of the Monsters with the Sneak ability have an Odd Mana cost so they wouldn't be available.



After the first turn, my Opponent already lost its Tank, while mine was still alive, thanks to my Magic attack Monsters I was able to deal a lot of damage, furthermore, its choice to use the Choas Dragon didn't help it, because this Monster is able to deal 3 Magical damage but randomly, because of its Scattershoot ability, and that's why my tank is still alive.



Now I'm in front of my last struggle, to shoot down the Chaos Dragon, it has the Flying ability that gives a +25% chance to evade my Physical attacks and it is able to deal 3 magical damages, it is a formidable Monster.



I won during round 5 thanks to my Magic attack Monsters, as you can see my Opponent's Monsters were able to kill two more of mine before surrendering.

A really nice and satisfying Brawl Battle!


Final Considerations: With the Melee Mayhem Battle Rule the Melee attack Monsters are really important but, as always in Splinterlands, it is the strategy that makes the difference, always remember that with this Rule you and your Opponent are allowed to use non-Melee attack Monsters, so even if the Melee attacker are incentivized to be used, couldn't be the perfect solution to win.

Best regards,

P.S. My referral link is:

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