It is time for a new Battle Mage Secrets Challenge in Splinterlands!
This week I will talk about the Reverse Speed Battle Rule:
As you can read this Battle Rule reverses the Speed stat meaning, usually the faster the better, in this case, the slower the better.
In this tab, you can read the percentages on how the difference of Speed influences the chances of missing, with the aforementioned Battle Rule the differences work on the contrary; a Monster with 1 in Speed stat would have a chance of the 10% to miss a Monster with 2 in Speed stat, in our case it is the contrary, the Monster with 1 in Speed stat will always hit (without taking in account the Abilities that grant chances in missing) a Monster with 2 in Speed stat, that will have a 10% chance of missing in turn.
That is why it is highlighted that the Bloodlust ability will increase the Speed stat during the battle, usually, it would be a nice thing, but not with the Reverse Speed Battle Rule.
The Ability is not really well explained, it simply means that every time a Monster with the Bloodlust ability kills an Opponent's Monster it receives a boost in all stats, Speed included.
In addition, it is discouraged the deploying of Monsters with the Slow ability:
It would help our Opponent, making its Monsters slower so more accurate.
At the same time, I would add that even the Swiftness ability shouldn't be recommended:
Increasing our Monster's Speed stat would just increase their chances of missing.
So the Monsters that usually suffer for their low Speed stat, with the Reverse Speed Battle Rule could really shine:
Just some examples.
The two last important things to mention:
- Magic Attacks can't miss (except in the case of a Monster with the Phase ability, which grants chances to miss like for Physical attacks).
- Monsters with the True Strike ability will not miss a hit, regardless of the difference of Speed stat or other abilities.
Now that the introduction to the Battle Rule is over, we can take a look at my battle:
As you can see in addition to the Reverse Speed Battle Rule there is the Equal Opportunity one:
So, considering both those Battle Rules I decided to deploy two Magic Attack Monsters with the Blast ability:
I decided that for three different reasons:
Magic Attacks can't miss.
Usually, the Monsters with low Health stat are deployed in the second line, so my Monsters, thanks to the Opportunity ability could hit 3 Monsters at the same time if the weakest Monster is deployed between two Monsters with higher Health stat.
Looking at the previous teams that my Opponent deployed I noticed that it used the Lorna Shine Summoner that grants the Divine Shield ability to all the Opponent's Monsters. (The first hit to a Monster with the Divine Shield ability is absorbed, so using Monsters with the Blast ability I can "break" two/three shields per hit).
So I deployed the Pembrook Nymph Summoner that thanks to its Conscript ability allows me to deploy one Gladiator Monster, I decided it for two different reasons:
- Contrary to the Kelya Frendul Water Summoner the Pembrook Nymph doesn't boost the Speed stat.
- Thanks to the Conscript ability I have been able to deploy a legendary Magic Attack Gladiator card with the Blast ability and the Bloodlust ability.
My two Monsters with the Blast ability, the Flagulon Reine is simply amazing.
And I completed my team with those three Monsters:
The Torrent Fiend was simple bait.
The Venari Marksrat to take advantage of its low health (thanks to the Equal Opportunity Rule it would have been targeted after the death of the Fiend) and the Martyr ability that boosts all stats, in that case, I wasn't afraid of the boost in Speed because all my Monsters were Magic Attackers.
The Musa Saline thanks to its Scavenger ability that gives it a +1 in Health stat every time a Monster dies on the battlefield, is useful to arrive at the end of the battle with a high Health Monster.
After the first round, both my and my Opponent's Fiends died, the Flagulon Reine unfortunately didn't get a kill but the Venari Marksrat has the lowest Health in my team, so it is close to dying and activates its ability Martyr.
As you can see the Venari Marksrat's Martyr ability buffed both the Flagulon Reine's and the Scavo Technomancer's stats, unfortunately the first one, being the weakest and the quickest Monster in my team couldn't attack because it has been eliminated before it could hit.
The Musa Saline's Health stat is now 10 after all the deaths on the battlefield, and my Monster's with the Blast ability already canceled all the Divine Shields.
It is just a question of time before my victory.
After 3 rounds 1vs1 the Musa Saline thanks to its ability that allowed it to farm a lot of Health and tank 6 damages has defeated my Opponent's last Monster, dealing 1 damage per round.
Final Considerations: With the Reverse Speed Battle Rule we always have to consider the differences in Speed but at the same time we have to remember that Magic Attacks don't miss. Furthermore studying my Opponent's previous teams allowed me to deploy the right strategy and the right Monsters to counter its Summoner, in Splinterlands, I will never be tired of writing it, strategy is the most important thing (if we find Opponents of the Equal Level, obviously).
Best regards,
P.S. My referral link is:
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Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121