in Splinterlands3 years ago

Hi all,

Today i want to share with you my thought about GF cards. GF cards are beautiful and in certain cases are really valuable in game and on the market.

We can play with GF cards and earn more dec per game, we can play in tournaments where only GF cards are allowed and they give us more CP compared with regular cards. These cards are rare and is difficult to found them on packs or from rewards. For these reasons the value of these assets is higher compared to the regular cards.
But, if you are a player that want to increase your rewards and your value of your account you should consider to sell certain GF cards (if you own them of coarse) instead of hold them for the following reasons:

  • You can flip your GF card with a multiple of regular cards that give you more CP and more airdrop points.

  • You can flip your GF card with a regular card much stronger and can give you the possibility to improve your win ration and increase your rewards per game.

By selling the GF cards you can increase faster your account and increase your rewards. It is a win win situation that small player like me should consider.

Are you agree with me?
Let me know in the comment section!


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