100k power achieved with owned cards, so it's time to celebrate by writing my first post!

in Splinterlands3 years ago

This will not be a short post, so if you are low on time or patience, just skip to the end where I will post my rewards for today once I eventually get them!

I started playing this game 26th of July, so pretty much exactly 3 months ago. According to peakmonsters explorer there was around 20-23k players at the time. It was exactly as SPS token was launching and my initial investment was $40 (+$10 spell book) to try the game out.

At the time I was not familiar with the rental system or staking SPS, so I spent my investment in cards. I bought Mylor as someone was suggesting it on a YouTube video (I think it was Bulldog) and fell it love with him...Mylor I mean.


If I recall correctly he cost me approximately $7 dollars to obtain. I bought a chicken as well and stupidly made it L2, which gave no advantage what so ever, but luckily at the time chicken was around $5 each. so no big loss. I also thought that it's good idea to buy gold cards as they seemed shiny and came as already leveled and would give additional income when battling. I thought that having neutral gold cards would give me the most versatile deck as I could take benefit from the extra income regardless of which splinter I would be playing, so I got golden Elven Defender. I also got golden Living Lava as it was constantly tearing me a new one in the bronze league. And then I was out of money!

I somehow (Mylor) managed to get to silver 1 in those two days what was left of the season and I rented a life deck to get required power, which was very cheap at the time even if it was season end. I don't remember getting anything exceptional in the season rewards,

I was enjoying the game immensely, but felt I was missing out not getting more cards! Therefore I invested $50 more and bought some monsters that had seemed useful when played against me. I got Creeping Ooze and Armorsmith, Lunakari Mistress and some other life cards and I also bought my first legendary card as I felt it would be cool to have one. I like my Greek Mythology so I went with Poseidon ($29) even if I never played water splinter(!), but I justified it to myself by saying, that it's an investment and I would sell it with profit later on.


It was now start of August and my friend had just joined the game and was buying SPS as a part of his initial investment, so he offered to buy me some as well and I would pay him back in cash later on. That suited me fine and I got SPS for €250, which was around 1040 sps at $0.26 price point. I obviously staked it and APR was showing insane 800% at the time but rapidly declining.

Game was growing and it was visible in everything! Card prices were climbing fast and I felt like if I wanted to invest more I should do it rather sooner than later. I don't remember the exact amounts I put in, but anytime a good deal came around, I loaded more credits and bought the cards in question. And I bought more Mylors, now at $10 dollars each and I got 2 golden Mylors too, I just loved the card and to my surprice golden Mylor (2 bcx) was cheaper to get to level 3 than regular one(14 bcx), which screamed to me that either regular one is over priced or golden one is badly under priced! If I recall correctly they cost me $55 each.


One good thing about having a friend playing the game was that we could talk in discord and we could talk about investment ideas, deck ideas, evaluate cards and in general keep up conversation and involvement in the game. He had just opened two alternative accounts as his capture rate was constantly going too low, so he thought that it would be nice to be able to play with other accounts when the main account is recovering.

Quest potions were still a thing so I decided to open a secondary account too! 6 loot chests a day with peanuts!

I decided to keep that account free to play, and would you ever know it, in my very first quest reward in my new account, I pulled Robo Dragon Knight which was worth $25! I sent it to my main, but felt guilty as it felt like I had robbed my secondary account from the chance of making it big from nothing. I felt like I needed to compensate that somehow so I sent there one of my Mylors, a chicken and Centauri mage. We are even now, right?


During one of these conversations with my friend we come to a conclusion that the cheapest and most cost efficient way to compete would be to buy Kretch, a dragon splinter at highest possible level you can afford. He was very cheap still ($3.50) even if other splinters had exploded in value. His is epic, which means he allows you to play one level higher rare cards that his current level and it also allows you to have one splinter that you can combo with any element, meaning you get to play it more. It also allows you to level up dragon cards which will in turn support which ever element you choose to play with! He is currently $11 dollars to get, but I still strongly suggest this strategy. I got mine to level 5. Not only everything that I said above, but being epic he also gives major boost to you collection power having 200 cp per card. For example my L5 Kretch offers me 6,400 cp boost.


So time passes and at the start of September my total investment is close to $1000, so I decide that that's it for now, I can't afford all this, especially as my friend had bought me a plot of land and a rare totem which I owed him €535 for.

I did well, and didn't put any more money in September(well maybe $40 dollars total to get some "can't miss" purchases! 😏). End of September I got paid and paid back my friend for the land plot, leaving very little wiggle room to get to next payday after my normal bills, so I started grinding on two accounts accumulating DEC, quest rewards and whenever my capture rates dipped too low, I would rent out my cards for a day or two. Then I reinvested the accumulated DEC in cards but didn't put more money in (well maybe that same $40 for some insane bargains..)

Time passes some more and player base is exploding with player base flirting with 500k mark soon. Game is 20 time bigger than it was when I started just three months ago - that is insane to think about!

Lets get to the numbers:
Today according to my calculations I have invested approximately $1500 dollars in cards. According to peakmonsters, my card value has climbed to $7,800 dollars on my main and to $900 on my secondary account (I sent there L3 Mylor, otherwise it's quite bare boned).



On my main account I have always finished in gold thanks to renting, initially I just rented cards for a day or two to climb to gold 1 as season rewards were given based on highest league achieved during the season. With my second account I have usually finished in silver 1, but last season I managed to snatch gold 3 finish.

Now as you can see highlighted above, I have reached a big milestone today on my main account, reaching 100k power means that I can get to gold 3 without renting! That feels great, it feels like my account can now self sustain!

I reached the milestone buy purchasing this card, which will be a part of my death deck going to wild. My purpose for the death deck is to build it around life steal and mainly play it in even health matches.


I started writing this post to kill some time until my cards come back from rent so I can do my daily quests, and here we finally are, wish me luck!

Second account at silver 3:


And finally main account:


Well.. There is always tomorrow. 😅


Good post, it was really useful for me to see how the growing process in this game can happen, and what could happen if I stick around. <3
