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RE: Splinterlands end of season madness | how to avoid the power problem -new giveaway win 1000 DEC

in Splinterlands3 years ago

Username: @marcinxyz My friend: @subaxis

In my opinion this year will be partialy focused on eliminating bots from our community. We can already see first steps that hit new players with richochette. Its nearly impossible for me as fresh player to win decent rewards in bronze to build up my deck and power and climb slowly higher since 13 coins as reward from quest chest and only 1 chest quest is really shamefull reward. The problem of bots is indeed growing especially when they are lowering card prices on market making it even harder to make profit for people who resell cards so i understand why developers started to act in that direction let's hope they will think about more accurate way to fight with that dark side of SplinterLands community.

Other part which will be focused will be lands and implementing SPS rewards from ranked battles as You mentioned higher in the post. SPS and DEC prices are already growing which will only allow us to earn more as players enjoying that game. Lands will allow even mor eopportunities to incrase our wealth and will attract more new players that will try to fight their way to the top of this amaizing game.

What should also come is at least one new card series which will make game even enjoyable changing meta cards and allowing players to build new unique strategy for each deck. I hope the Devs will surprise us with something truly unexpected that will leave us all speachless. It will be fun to check this comments after a year to check if we are right with our predictions and who was the closest one to truth.

Lets enjoy the game and lets all meet clashing against each other in top leagues of our game!