Today I come with pleasure to announce another the winner! He will receive the delegation of 1 Cyclops LVL 6 until the end of this Splinterlands season.
The lucky one was:
Congratulations @ctrpch!
Your reward:
I hope you find this card useful and fun! Good battles!
There are not many Cyclops left in the Burning Lands; they are a remnant from long before the Splintering. More than anything, the Cyclops like to throw things, which makes them a terrifying opponent. Once each Ferexia year, all the Cyclops meet in the south for their annual Throwing Games.
Thanks to all, I wish you luck next time...
Images: @splinterlands and SteemRandomWinnerPicker. Quote by @splinterlands
i missed the opportunity
Awesome thank you, I will use him wisely.